CH 4 - "The Escape"

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4...The Escape...

Jonathon came out the front door with Clarice in his arms and the shotgun gripped in his right hand. He had to get her away from here, they didn't have much time.

The instant he stepped out on the porch, he was blinded by bright headlights and red and blue flashers. The sound of weapons being drawn echoed in the strange light. Jonathon halted at the first step. “Shit!” he hissed, tense and quiet.

“Drop your weapon!”

Jonathon squinted against the blinding lights. A plain clothed cop slowly moved in his direction, weapon drawn and aimed at Jonathon's head.

“I said drop your weapon!” The cop ordered sharply.

Shit! Jonathon's face tightened and flexed as he clenched his jaw. He did not need this now. Fear squeezed at his mind and heart but he fought it off. He would get Clarice out of here...even if he had to kill every cop in his way. But he would play their game for the moment. Only for a moment, though. He couldn't afford to waste any more time than that.

Jonathon let the shotgun slip from his hand. It hit the wood planks of the porch with a loud clunk.

As soon as the weapon was out of Jonathon's hand, the cop waved in the other officers. Feet crunched across the gravel as the officers moved in quickly. One officer stepped up and took Clarice from Jonathon's arms. Jonathon's eyes were hard yet frightened as he watched the cop carry her a short distance away and lay her carefully on the ground. He checked her pulse.

“She's alive, Detective McCormick!” he called to the plain clothed cop.

“Put your hands on your head!” McCormick ordered Jonathon. “And get down on your knees!”

Jonathon stared hard at the detective but complied, lacing his fingers behind his head and sinking slowly to his knees. Another officer moved in quick and slapped a cuff on Jonathon's right wrist then twisted his arms down and cuffed the left wrist. He stood Jonathon to his feet.

“You have the right to remain silent.” The cop informed him. “If you give up that right, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.”

Jonathon barely heard the cop's words as he continued to stare hard at McCormick, who's weapon remained aimed at Jonathon's forehead.

“You have the right to an attorney.” the cop continued. “If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand these rights?”

Jonathon didn't answer. He stared at McCormick. Let me go.

“Do you understand these rights?” The cop pressed.

McCormick's eyes narrowed somewhat as he cocked his head just a hair. His brow creased uncertainly.

“Answer me.” The cop insisted. “Do you understand these rights?”

McCormick stared at Jonathon for a moment longer then slowly lowered his weapon. He spoke to the arresting officer. “Uncuff him.”

The cop hesitated. “What?”

“He's not the one we're looking for.” McCormick said.

The arresting officer looked at the detective uncertainly then glanced at the other officers nearby. They were all looking at McCormick like he'd suddenly lost his mind.


Sergeant James Kempt frowned. What the hell was McCormick doing? He stepped forward, his eyes narrowing with suspicion. He spoke quickly, harshly to the arresting officer.

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