CH 21 - "Not An Option"

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21...Not An Option...

The unbearable pain ripping Jonathon's head apart suddenly disappeared. He lay on his back on the porch, gasping, his heart thumping fiercely in his chest. Tears of pain wet his face. He stared up at the underside of the porch roof, disoriented and dizzy.

He could hear footsteps climbing the porch. Then Orlando was standing over him, staring down at him thoughtfully.

“What...” Jonathon gasped, his body still in shock. “What the hell did you do to me?”

“Do you really think I would come all the way out here...” He raised his hand, he was holding a device small enough to conceal in his palm. “Unprepared?”

Jonathon frowned. He tried to move but his limbs felt heavy, sluggish. “What the...hell is that?”

“Just a little side experiment.” He said. “It took awhile to perfect, but with Alec's help I worked out all the bugs.”

“What?” Jonathon rested his head against the porch. “Alec?”

Orlando raised an eyebrow. “I had to test it on someone. And since I was primarily creating it for you, I couldn't let you know about it.” He smiled. “Alec was the perfect specimen. He was a great help. Admittedly it wasn't enjoyable for him, he nearly died a time or two...but we got it worked out.”

“You sick fuck.” Jonathon spit out. “I hope Alec...rips your fucking head off.”

Orlando clucked his tongue. “Vicious.” He smiled. “Maybe your kind isn't as docile as I thought.”


Clarice trembled. She stared at the monitor. Jonathon was laying on his back but he didn't seem to be in pain anymore. What had the man done to him? Whatever it was, Jonathon seemed to be at his mercy, and the man didn't appear to be the merciful kind.

She searched the other monitors for the sniper, but he was gone. She wondered where Alec was. He was there, somewhere, she could feel him as surely as if he were standing right next to her. She shuddered and looked around the basement with unease. Could he be down there with her, cloaked and invisible to her eyes? But surely he would've killed her by now if he was there. She turned back to the monitors and that's when she saw it – a ripple across one of the screens, like a reflection on water.

“Alec.” She trembled again and looked at the screen that showed Jonathon and Orlando. Jonathon couldn't defend himself. Whatever Orlando had done to him, it had weakened him physically and mentally. If Alec attacked now...Jonathon would be helpless.

Steeling herself, Clarice gripped the Beretta tightly in her fist. With her other hand, she hit the button that opened the steel door and ran up the stairs, ignoring the voice in her head telling her to stay put.

Jonathon could die without her help. And for Clarice, that was not an option.


Orlando stared down at Jonathon. “Where is she?”

“Go to hell.” Jonathon's eyes were full of pure hate. Orlando expected no less.

He ran his thumb slowly over the tiny device in his hand. “Do you need a little help in remembering where you stashed her?”

“She's of no use to you.” Jonathon groaned tightly. His head still throbbed. “Take me, but just leave her alone. What could you possibly want with her?”

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