chapter 20

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"Well, I guess we can just hope for the best for Scrappy." Mo shrugged as she continued to lay on the couch, feeling exhausted of her adventure with the others, but smiled to the puppies.

"Yeah." Colette nodded.

"Where were you, Mo?" Annette asked.

"Atticus took me to Equestria..." Mo smiled dreamily. "It was so magical and mystical and just... Oh, it's the best place to go for a visit."

"It sure sounds like it." Annette smiled.

Mo smiled back as she decided to get some rest and pulled down her bandanna to cover her eyes. The puppies knew that was Mo's way of saying she would like to take a nap, so they left the living room and gave her the privacy she had wanted. Mo yawned before falling asleep on the couch. Elizabeth smiled, then tucked Mo in with a quilt and allowed her to take her nap in peace as she then left the room to give her adoptive daughter some privacy. Today was truly a day no one would ever forget.

The End

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