chapter 12

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King Sombra was indeed close by and was getting closer and closer to his target.

"I think I should get out of here..." Cherry was starting to back up slowly.

The symbols on Atticus's forehead started to glow while Sunburst told them the spells they needed during the Crystalling.

Darla's eyes widened at Atticus's symbols, then turned over. "I think you better hurry, Mr. Sunburst!" she urged the unicorn stallion as her big brother seemed to be getting worse and worse by the minute.

"Okay, everything's handled, except one of us will have to stall King Sombra and keep Atticus at bay when he's under his control." Sunburst said.

"I volunteer--" Drell started.

"Drell, how noble of you." Emily said.

"I'm not finished," Drell said. "I said a volunteer.... Skippy to stall King Sombra with Cherry's help."

"WHAT?!" Cherry squawked. "No, I'm fed up with you, all you do is push me around and use me like your old punching bag or something!"

Before Drell could say anything Patrick used his magic from his horn and pulled him out side with him.

"Drell and I will stall him." Patrick volunteered.

"WHAT?!" Drell panicked then.

Skippy looked relieved for once in his miserable life.

"You heard me." Patrick said.

"Why me?" Drell asked as Cherry chuckled quietly at his misery.

"Would you rather keep Atticus at bay?" Patrick asked.

"Heh... Such a tough decision, Patty Cakes..." Drell smiled sheepishly.

"I'll try to keep Atticus at bay." Mo said.

"It's decided then, Drell, you'll help me face Sombra." Patrick said.

Drell gulped, turning deathly pale. "Super..." he weakly grinned.

"Don't worry, Drell, I'm sure you'll die with dignity." Cherry smirked.

"If I survive through this, I'm going after you." Drell glared at Cherry.

Cherry gulped with a nervous smile. "Heh... If you survive..."

"Don't worry, everything will be fine." Emily said.

"That's easy for you to say, Em." Drell mumbled.

"Just stay calm." Emily said.

Drell sighed. "Maybe you're right."

"Of course I'm right, I'm a woman." Emily smirked.

Drell smirked back, ruffling up her mane. "Nosy little Fish Lady." he then teased about her mermaid heritage.

"Hey!" Emily laughed.

Drell smirked playfully, then looked seriously back to his Wiccan friend. "Come on, Patty Cakes!"

"Right behind ya, Drelly Bean!" Patrick replied.

Drell growled lowly. "Only my mother can call me that."

"Yeah whatever." Patrick said.

Drell rolled his eyes and moved with Patrick to ward off King Sombra. Skippy bit his hooves, a little worried about Drell's safety.

"Don't worry, Drell is perfectly safe with Patrick at his side." Emily assured the mute warlock.

"So then, all we need is a crystaller." Colette said.

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