chapter 16

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"So, you see, Applejack, since I wasn't strong enough... They slipped out of my grasp..." Patrick concluded. "I am so very sorry."

"Ah forgive y'all." Applejack said to Patrick.

Patrick smiled, then hugged the country mare. Applejack hugged him back.

"Aww..." the others awed at the sight.

Once the train finally arrived back at Ponyville, it was both a sweet and bitter moment.

"Sorry you guys couldn't stay with my parents a little longer, you guys seemed real close." Twilight said to Patrick and Emily.

"We sure were." Emily said.

"I thought you guys seemed familiar." Twilight said.

"So, did you guys meet Shining Armor and Twilight when they were younger then?" Darla asked.

"Yes, but a very long time ago, I think Twilight was just a few weeks old and Shining Armor was still in school." Emily replied.

"So then did Dad teach Shining Armor sword-fighting?" Darla asked.

"He tried to anyhow." Emily chuckled.

"Hey, I think I'm a rather good swordsman." Patrick defended.

"Well, that would explain where I got my swordsman skills from." Atticus said.

"Who knows?" Patrick replied. "Maybe your son will be a sword master too, that is, if you and Mo do get married."

Atticus and Mo looked to each other and looked away, blushing from that. This caused for the girls to giggle. Atticus and Mo then smiled bashfully to each other.

"Well, I hate to ruin this moment, but it's time to go." Drell informed them.

"Aw..." Darla pouted.

"I'm sorry, little one, but it's time for you to go back to where you belong." Drell said.

"No fair..." Darla pouted.

"Oh, Darla, don't be like that..." Drell said. "You'll be able to come again."

"It's not just that, but Atticus and everyone get to go on adventures all the time..." Darla sounded jealous.

"Trust me, you will be able to get your own adventures." Drell assured her.

"You think so?" Darla asked.

"I'm sure of it." Drell smiled encouragingly.

"Wanna trade places in lessons about our powers?" Cherry whispered to Darla.

"I'll teach her everything I know Cherry, but that doesn't mean you won't continue your lessons." Drell glared at her.

Cherry blinked and grinned nervously. "Who said anything about not continuing my lessons?"

"By the way..." Drell stood closer to her. "I believe I promised you a little meeting if I survived facing Sombra."

Cherry sweated nervously, then turned away. "ATTICUS!!!"

"Is this true, Cherry?" Atticus asked.

"Uh, well... Kinda..." Cherry muttered.

"Well, even if this is true." Atticus said before standing up to Drell, not scared of him.

"Aw, come on, Atticus!" Drell groaned. "She needs to pay for her misdeeds!"

"You want her; you'll have to go through me." Atticus said.

"I swear, if I didn't love you like a son, I'd tear you apart..." Drell grumbled.

"Then I guess he's lucky." Cherry smirked.

Drell leaned over Atticus and roared in her face. Cherry's eyes twitched and she fell flat on the ground, looking comatose. Atticus really wanted to punch him in the stomach, but didn't want to upset the balance.

"So, you're going back home then?" Fluttershy asked their inter-dimensional friends.

"Yeah." Mo nodded.

"Okay... It was nice seeing you all again." Fluttershy smiled.

"Do come back now." Rainbow Dash added.

"I'll be sure to tell Maud about your visit." Pinkie grinned.

"Isn't she that one pony that hides her feelings rather well?" Mo asked.

"Yeah, she's one of my absolute favorite sisters." Pinkie said.

"Wait, sisters?" Atticus asked. "You have other sisters besides Maud?"

"Oh, yeah," Applejack spoke up. "We spent Hearth Warming's with 'em last year."

"How was it?" Darla asked. "And what's Hearth's Warming?"

"Hearth's Warming is basically Equestria's Christmas." Patch explained.

"It was different, but not bad, I guess..." Applejack shrugged with a small smile.

"Well, you really have got to spend Christmas with us sometime, please." Darla begged the Mane Seven.

"Oh, gee..." Twilight scratched her chin. "I dunno..."

"Please, besides, don't you have that mirror portal thing?" Darla asked.

"Well... That's true..." Twilight said.

"Please, Twilight?" Darla got down and begged. "Please? Please? Puh-leeeeeeaaaase?!"

"Okay, okay, okay." Twilight and the Mane Six giggled.

"YES!" Darla cheered.

"So then, I guess we'll expect you girls at Christmas time then?" Emily smiled.

"And birthdays." Pinkie Pie smiled.

"That does sound fun..." Darla agreed about the birthday thing.

"That's right," Atticus said. "Darla, don't you have a birthday coming up?"

"Oh, no..." Cherry knew she was going to be dragged into this.

"Yeah!" Darla smiled.

"Yay! A birthday party will be ready when I come over." Pinkie smiled.

"When's your birthday?" Emily asked.

"April 23rd." Darla smiled.

"I'm free on that day." Pinkie Pie smiled.

Darla smiled and hugged Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie hugged her back, happy to make another friend happy. Darla grinned to Pinkie Pie, hugging her right back instantly.

"She is just so precious." Fluttershy smiled.

Darla absorbed the compliments given to her from the Mane Six.

"So then shall we get going?" Drell asked.

"I guess..." Darla pouted about leaving the land of talking and singing colorful ponies.

"Don't worry, you'll come again someday." Drell promised her.

"Yay!" Darla smiled.

The Mane Six and Spike waved as their guests were now going right back to where they belonged until next time. Darla was still sad to leave, but she was so glad that she was finally able to visit Equestria like the others.

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