Chapter 6

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"Uhhh what's going on?" Wes.

Had Wes seen everything? I pulled my face out of Jason's chest to look at him. When he saw my tears his expression instantly saw him. "Hey, Avery it's okay. What happened?" He asked taking in the scene. There was a small crowd huddled around Bryan who was crumpled up on the floor. Lindsey was sitting next to him trying to see if he was conscious.

"Jason and Lindsey were fighting." I said as if that should clarify everything. Unfortunately it didn't. Wesley's eyebrows crinkled in confusion. I didn't want to explain so luckily Adrianna jumped in.

"We came over here to see what was going on and we saw Bryan making out with Lindsey right in front of Jason." Wes nodded, showing that he followed the story so far.

"It was just Bryan being a jackass to piss everyone off, so Jase pulled them apart and told Bryan not to make out with his ex right in front of him." I saw Wes look at Bryan who was slowly starting to move around on the ground. He was probably thinking how he got there.

"So then Bryan was like 'well then maybe I should just kiss your best friend instead'. That's when Bryan kissed Avery, Avery pushed him off of her, and then Jase punched Bryan in the face." Yeah. That pretty much summed everything up. 

Wesley's expression was impossible to read. I couldn't tell if he was mad or not. Was that considered cheating? Because I didn't want that to happen. I got my answer when Bryan peeled himself off the grass.

"Not cool man." Bryan poked his finger into Jason's chest, pushing him back a little. Jason towered over Bryan by at least six inches. He glared down at Bryan, daring him to make another move. Apparently, that right hook to the side of the skull made Bryan a little smarter. He realized this wasn't going to end well for him so he backed down.

But then he did something else stupid and turned to Wes. 

"Sorry bro, didn't know she was spoken for." He winked. Wesley clenched his jaw tightly. 

"Seriously man? It's been months. The whole fucking school knows." He said crossing his arms across his chest. 

"Hey I didn't know about it. You think I would have remembered hearing when you scored a girl like that." Everyone watching went silent. "Come on Stromberg, you used to be like me; a different girl every week. What happened to you?"

"I grew the fuck up." Wes spat at him. He began to walk away, but not before Bryan managed to get his two cents in.

"We'll see who she ends up with in the end. Every good girl likes a bad boy." He draped his arm around my shoulder. Wes froze in his tracks.

"Seriously man, you touch her again and we're gonna have a problem." 

"I'm not afraid of you bro."

"Well maybe you should be McKiernan. Cus he brought friends." I shoved Bryan off me and turned to see who was talking. I saw Drew squeezing through the crowd. He sauntered over and stood next to Wes. For good measure, Jason stood on Wesley's other side.

Please don't fight, please don't fight. Wesley had finally gotten his academic year on track. He hadn't gotten detention since September, his grades were in good standing; I couldn't let him get expelled for defending me. Before the fight could get any further I found Keaton in the crowd. We made eye contact and he nodded. Adrianna, Keaton and I jumped in between the boys so they wouldn't throw any punches.

"Keaton get out of here." Wes spoke through his grit teeth.

"I will. And you're coming with me." Keaton replied trying to get Wes out of there. Wes didn't budge. I turned to Jason.

"Come on Jase he's not worth it." Jason broke his stare and his eyes darted down to me. He backed up. Adrianna had convinced Drew to do the same. Just Wes was left. "Wesley, please. Just leave it." I pleaded. "Let's go home." I placed my arm on his chest and I could feel his confidence collapse. He nodded. He took my hand as I led him out of the crowd.

Nobody said a word until we were trudging across the front lawn. "You say the word Aves, and we'll beat the shit out of him." Drew said casually. All the other guys nodded. I laughed.

"Thank you boys, but hopefully that won't be necessary." I laughed. I draped my arm over Drew and Wes. I smiled down to myself as I thought of how lucky I was to have them in my life. They were great friends, ones who stood up for me when I needed them to. I was beyond thankful to know people like them.

One day I want to tell them how grateful I am for everything they've done for me. One day I'll tell them, and hope that I can make them half as happy as they've made me. Because just half of the things they've done for me are life changing.

Hope you guys liked it!! Attached are a picture of Adrianna and Owen :) (For those of you who read Riptide you'll know who Owen is. He has yet to be introduced in this book) 30 likes for the next chapter!!! :)

He's Giving Me a Reason, an Emblem3 Fan Fic (Sequel to Riptide)Where stories live. Discover now