Hello Fascination (BxB) ch7

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Caleb's POV .-.

"I really like you Caleb. Will you go on a date with me?" Tyler sends me his signature cocky smirk and holds me closer to him.

I flip my white blond hair out of my eyes and smile, my own signature blush spreading across my face.

"I'd like that very much, Tyler,"

He smiles at me and rests his head against mine.

This can't be bad. Tyler can't be a bad decision. We'll find a way to get past my parents and my brother. We'll make something work. Then we can live happily ever after.



Caleb's POV

Tonight's the night. My first date.

I scramble out of my bed and stare intently at the digital clock, showing the ominous glowing numbers. 6:47?!??! Where did the last three flapping hours go?!

With a very scared, high pitched squeal, I plunge into my closet trying to find something presentable. Tyler's coming at seven! How the NIP am I going to be ready by then?

Not even bothering to leave the closet, I get dressed in my sexyiest skinny jeans and a blue plaid, buttondown shirt. I emerge from my "changing room" faster then I ever thought I could and dash into the bathroom.

Shipple! (Shit+Nipple)

My face looks like a washed out old rag that someone decided to place under some frizzy blonde fuzzball that sways innocently in the non-existent wind!

Never being a fan of facial makeup, I scrub my pores gently and apply a pea size dot of Epiduo Gel. Hey, it's not my fault. "Blame genetics."

With a final rinse, I pat my face dry with my Bugs Bunny towel and smile at my soft, glowing face.

I chance a glance at the clock on the wall, but it's not digital! Baaaah!

Okay, so the big stick thingy is between the 11 and 12, that's the hour, right? Wait, wait, wait. The suuuuper tiny one's moving too fast! FML. If the short stick means hour, than the long one means-

I scramble to get the job done, knocking over everything by accident.

"Caleb, honey! Everything alright in there?"

I freeze, but quickly plug in my straightener and grab my eyeliner.

"Y-yeah mom," I barely skim my waterline, making my blue eyes pop.

"Are you sure?... Do I need to get the laxatives again, sweetie?"

"MOM," I groan, annoyed, "I'm fine! But I'm going to Chelsea's house at seven so I need to get ready!" I feel bad lying to her, but I'd be the biggest dumb ass EVER if I told her about my date with *swoons* Tyler~

Mom lets out a giggle (very, very disturbing... trust me...) as I hear her walk down the hallway. "You are her are just too cute together!" I roll my eyes.

I craftily bring my flat iron through my hair many times, making it silky smooth. I lift my eyes up to the dreaded clock.

"The little stick on the 7 and the big one on the 12 so that's..." I count on my fingers. One, two, three, four, five- wait wait, no. Slower, Caleb! You're brain's too small! Ooonne. Twwwooo. Threeee-


The doorbell! I swipe an over sized gray beanie from the counter and shove it on my head. Taking one last glance at the mirror to make sure I don't look like some hideous old cat lady on crack, I leap down the stairs two at a time.

Hello Fascination (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now