Chapter 3

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Early morning, Minari sat in class writing in her journal. It was a small yellow bound book with a butterfly on the cover. She had had it for several years and never left home without it. Every page was covered with her thoughts and the things she had learned over the years. If anyone other than herself were ever to read the things on the pages... there could be major trouble.

Naruto sat close to Minari, grinning happily. This was the day that the graduating ninja's recieved their teams and leaders. It was in fact the first step to being great and powerful ninja. Minari listened in as Shikamaru asked Naruto what he was doing in class, to which he proudly displayed his headband. She smiled at her friends acomplishment, happy to know that the possibilities of his being accepted by people now was a lot higher. She had spent her three months trying to help poor Naruto, giving him comfort and an ear to listen to him. So far it appears to have helpped his overall self esteem.

A loud crash and yelling cause Minari to look up from her writing. Sakura Haruno and Ino Yamanaka crashed into the room, arguing about who had gotten there first. Naruto's face lit up when he saw Sakura. But she had her eyes set on, not the girl next to him, but the boy next to her. Sasuke Uchiha sat just down the row from where Minari and Naruto sat. Why he choose there, no one really knows, considering the fact he doesn't like either of them.

All of the girls surrownded the desk, just looking at him. Minari really could care less about some boy, so she just continued to write in her journal. But as Naruto grew more angry, wondering just made Sasuke so 'cool', he decided a good stare down would prove helpfull in figuring that out. But that did not fly with the girls.

"Naruto! Get out of Sasuke's face!!" Sakura yelled. Naruto got closer and Sasuke intensified his glare. You could almost see the friction. Many of the girls started yelling for Sasuke to kick his ass, but he wasn't listening. He was to wrapped up in trying to figure out just what Naruto was doing. Now, bare in mind the fact that the desks are put in rows, one in front of the other and the one in front lower than the one behind it. Three to four people can comfortably fit in the desks. Now lets say, someone was pertched precariously on the desk, like Naruto. What would happen if the kid sitting at the desk infront of him might stand up and accidently hit the person on the desk?

Wjy not take a look. The kid in the desk in front of him got up to leave with his friend for a snack before the class started. He didn't expect Naruto to be so close and tipped him over by accident. Of course the poor kid was just so mortified and apologized right away, but what he couldn't see was just what his push had caused. Every person in the room grew dead silent. The small push, that one slight misplacement of force, had tipped Naruto just over far enough that his lips met Sasuke's.

Minari found the sudden silence odd and looked up at the scene. And then Minari, sweet, beautiful, quiet Minari, laughed. She laughed so hard, so outragiously, that some of the girls and actually looked away to make sure it was actually true that she making that noise. The students listened as her light fluttery voice grew in intensity from Sasuke and Naruto gagging and spitting. Several of the guys in class joined her, seeing as this was increadibly hallarious.

"What the hell is wrong with Minari?" Ino asked, staring wide eyed at her. Finally she started to quiet down as she heard the girls beating the living crap out of her best friend. As Iruka talked about teams she rubbed a little ointment on his bumps. Sakura had ended up sitting inbetween Sasuke and Minari, and now smiled as she listened.

"-and so you will be given three man teams. You will listen to your Jounin instructors and complete your missions. Unfortunatly to an unforseen turn of events, team seven will have a fourth member that will act as an assistant to the Jounin." Iruka dronned on for awhile. The teams were named one by one, and everyone listened when team seven was finally named, everyone wanting to know just who got the four man team. "On team seven, Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno-" Naruto jumpped up and cheered while Sakura hung her head in doom. "Sasuke Uchiha-" Now the roles switched. "And Minari Schtowe." Naruto cheered again and hugged his friend, causing her to giggle.

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