Chapter 10

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Minari hit the ground hard, a kunai embedded in her shoulder and the ninja put his foot on the end of it, holding her still. Kibrom and Caraki were tired, out of breath. But they couldn't just let her get dystroyed by this guy! The ninja gave an evil toothy grin and laughed when Kibrom took out a kunai. "Don't you get it yet? You little brats can't beat me! I could very easily just kill this bitch with one small force of my foot." He lightly began to push down on the kunai, causing Minari to scream in pain.

"Minari!" Kibrom yelled. How could they get out of this?

"Now, here's the thing. That document that you're taking to the Raikage? Hand it to me now and girlie gets to live. Simple as that, no catch." Caraki slowly set his bag on the ground and reached in to pull out the document. The only thing running through his mind was saving his friend. But before he could pull the document from his bag, Kibrom charged full at the ninja, knocking him away from Minari.

"Caraki! Take her out of here!" He struggled to hold him back and slipped alittle. "Now!" He did just that, pulling Minari up and setting her down by a near by tree and then running to join the fight and maybe save his stupid friend. Kibrom was having a time with the man, holding him back effectivly but finding it harder and harder to do so. Finally, Caraki ran up and kicked the ninja down.

But the ninja was fast. He jumpped back up and quiet as wind pushed a kunai into Caraki's chest. His went wide and blank as he fell to the ground. Kibrom yelled out to him, but he couldn't hear it. He could barely see by the time his knees made contact with the grass. Minari was already up and crossing the space between her and the fight by the time he lost conciousness. Even though her entire body screamed in agony from the open bleeding wound in her shoulder, she began to focus her energy and make hand signs.

"You're to slow little girl!" The ninja yelled as he came at her with a knife in his hands. She couldn't move in time, she just couldn't! And just as Minari was praying for a way out, Kibrom jumped in front of her, taking the blow. The ninja slashed his knife down on Kibrom, making a deepd gash from his hip to his neck. He choaked on the blood that pooled in his mouth.

The minute, Kibrom joined Caraki on the ground, still concious, the ninja turned his sadistic grin to the beautiful kunoichi.

"You know, I have to admit, for genin you're pretty good. It's a real shame I have to kill you now." But Minari couldn't let it end. She had to survive so she could get Kibrom and Caraki to the hospital. They were still alive, they still had a chance. So instead of let him stab her again, she pulled the paper bombs from her puch and stuck it to a mini-kunai, throwing it at the tree next to the ninja. "Huh? Oh shi-" Boom! The bomb blew the ninja several yards away and gave Minari exactly seven seconds to move the unconcious Caraki to a safer place and only move Kibrom half of the way... before he jumped back up and cut deep into her back.

Minari dropped Kibrom and suffered the ninja mercelicly stabbing her over and over again. She looked into her friends eyes, tears running down her face as her blood pooled around them. Finally, the ninja stopped, thinking she was dead, and took the bags they had been carrying, and with them, the document. Kibrom used the last of his strength to stand and half drag Minari to the tree she had sat Caraki down at.

"Hold- *Cough* Hold on M-minari. Don't die. Please don't-" He went into a large fit of coughs, setting Minari against the tree and slumping down next to her. SHe pulled Caraki over and layed his head in her lap, squeezing both boys hands. It was quiet between them for a long time. But Minari and Kibrom didn't mind the silence, as long as all three of them were still breathing. But Kibrom knew something was wrong. And he had something he wanted... needed to say to Minari before he could never say anything ever again. His heart began to beat faster as he found the courage to finally tell her the truth. "Hey, Minari? You know, ever since the day we met 've always thought you were really pretty, and I wanted nothing more than to get to know you better. Well... I want to tell you that... somewhere along the way..." He took a deep, shaky breath. "I love you..."

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