Chapter 2

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Iruka, Hiruzen, and Minari all looked at the registration form for Naruto Uzumaki. And did several double takes... The picture was... just wrong... He had painted his face white and put red war paint all over and then to top it off, he had done the same thing to his hand and held it out. Minari hung her head, and wondered just how on Earth he thought of this disaster.

"Hehe. It took me forever to think of a good look! three hours later I decided on that one! Pretty artistic, eh!" Naruto was so proud of what he had done.

"Retake it." Hiruzen said flatly. "Where's your headband?"

"I'm saving it for tomorrows ceremony, I don't want to damage it."

"Well... This ninja registration book lists all those in the village with high ability. This should be an important document to you, yet... What is with this face?!"

"Well I don't understand stuff like that!" 'Obviously' all three of them thought. The door slowly started to kreek open, alerting both Naruto and Minari. She poked Hiruzens shoulder and pointed to the door. He didn't seem to worried. But she leaned over, her light blonde hair spilling over her shoulders, to get a better look and see who was there. Suddenly a small boy no older than nine with a very long scarf on ran into the room.

"OLD MAN!!! I CHALLENGE YOU!!!" And then he face planted, having tripped on his own scarf. Minari's eye twitched when Ebizu ran into the room, once again high strung and full of himself. In simpilest words, Minari didn't like him. Mainly for the reason that when she returned three months ago, he said that no Jounin would accept a delinquent run away on their team. Yet almost every Jounin fought to have her. Her father was the lucky winner. "Damn it!! Who set a trap?!"

"Are you okay?! And there isn't a trap anywhere!" Ebizu whined.

"Who's the kid?" Naruto asked. Ebizu looked over at him, calling him a punk and a looser in his mind.

"I know you did something!!" The kid yelled, getting in Naruto's face.

"You tripped on your own scarf you idiot!!!" He had him up by the scruff of his shirt. Now Minari watched this and thought it was funny, and really Iruka did too, but he would never admit to that. So she sat there and giggled away, while they continued to argue.

"Hey Naruto!! Let go of him!! Thats the Hokage's grandson you have in your hands!!!" Ebizu yelled above the comotion. He just gave him a confused look while the kid smirked. He knew that now that Naruto knew who he was, he was going to be just like Ebizu and everyone else. He wouldn't dare touch the honerable grandson of the Hokage.

But to underestimate Naruo, the villages most absinte minded ninja, in way will get you hit. WHich is what he did. His hand came down hard on the back oh the kids head. "Like I care!" Ebizu almost had a heart attack! And Minari laughed at him and patted Hiruzens back as she hopped off the desk a. The rumors about you must be truend motioned for Naruto to follow her. But first he used his sexy jutsu, just to be a twat. They needed to go get his picture re-done. On the way there, Naruto talked about a new technique he was trying to figure out how to do. He thought he had a pretty good plan ready to go, but wanted to run by his friend first to see what she thought. Minari noticed the little punk from earlier following them, and attempting to hide behind a cloth made to resemble the fence. She poked Narutos arm and pointed at the kid.

His eye twitched. "Stop following us!!! What the hell is that?! You aren't fooling anyone idiot!!!"

And he stayed behind the cloth awhile longer!! "Hehe... imprssive to see through this. The rumors about you are ture. I'll let you be my boss!!!" Naruto and Minari looked down at the kid like he was nuts. "But, I want you to teach me that sexy jutsu you got Grandpa with!"

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