Chapter 32 - "Awakening"

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"Eve Mairwood. Eighteen years old. Daughter of Rosemary and Arthur Mairwood."


"We have Rosemary in containment. Arthur is believed to be deceased."

"Any other notable information?"

"She has a brother. Flynn Mairwood. He's also in containment. We're currently looking for the rest of her accomplices but there has yet to be any news on them."

"Good." I thought, "They haven't found the others. They don't know about Ethan."

"The tranquilizer is wearing off. She'll be conscious in a few moments. Would you like us to put her under immediate sedative or leave her awake?"

A long pause fills the room, as I hear some shuffling.

"Give her the sedative. We must begin testing as soon as possible."

A panic arises within me as I regain feeling from my toes, to my fingertips, all the way up to my eyes. I curl my fingers, attempting to adjust my wrists to find they were strapped down. Without opening my eyes I try to subtly adjust my feet, only to find they too were strapped.

"She's awake. Get the sedative in her now." The voice persists, holding me down as I begin writhing in refusal. I flash my eyes open, yet for only enough time to see the familiar bright lights and plastered walls, before I feel a drowsiness overcome my entire being.

I feel my feet go limp first, and before I know it I lose sensation in my entire body, down to my fingertips. The lights fade, and everything turns to darkness.

That's how I know this isn't a dream I can slip out of. This is reality.


The dreary sound of beeping is what I hear first. It gets louder and louder, pulling me further into consciousness. The beeping accelerates. My eyelids are heavy, as I gain feeling in small regions of my body. Everything hurts.

Then I remember.

My name is Eve Mairwood. The government found me. The government found us. I need to find Ethan and Flynn and get out.

Prying my eyes open, I awaken to stare at the bright glare of lights above. I glance manically around the room, ignoring the intense pain that was radiating off of my body.

I need to get out. I have to get out.

I pull against the constraints attached to my arms, torso and legs with every bit of strength I have.

"Hey, hey. Calm down, okay?" A voice appears at my side, as a man slowly comes into my vision. He gazes down at me with stern eyes, yet I can sense a hint of kindness behind them. "You're okay, you're okay. The sedative is just wearing off."

I continue to stare at him in horror, as my eyes slowly drift down to my body, where I find I'm covered in dark bruises and large scars.

"Don't look at those. Just – focus on me, okay?" I glance back up at the man, the creases on his head relaxing. He wore beige formal clothing that didn't quite fit his medium stature.

"How many fingers am I holding up?" He says, shifting around to the end of the bed, holding up three fingers.

I merely blink at him, a sharp glare remaining poised on my face. I can't trust anyone here. He's a part of the government. He is the enemy.

The man pauses for a few moments, his hands slowly coming down to his side. He leans against what appears to be a table, folding his arms.

I glance around the room, noticing it was the same lab I'd remembered. Needles and knives lay scattered across the benches, cleaned off and ready for whatever or whoever they'd jab and stab into.

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