Chapter 18 - "Emergency Pt.2"

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"Dried food and water bottles?"


"All right then, those are all the necessities. We're all good to go."

Zoe says, slinging one bag full of supplies over her shoulder before passing the second bag to me. I accept the extra weight, securing the straps tightly around my shoulders before clicking my flashlight on. I point my gun upwards, the flashlight illuminating the large store.

Up ahead I could see Zoe securing her newly found katana's into her belt, a small smile appearing on her face. I start heading towards the window from which we had entered. My boots crunch on the shimmering glass, as I stop to turn around. Zoe was following closely behind, giving a nod of approval for me to exit.

I step through the broken window, the jagged glass digging into my protective gear, but not piercing it. I enter the dark alleyway, pointing my gun up, the flashlight illuminating the grungy walls and floors. Zoe exits behind me, groaning as the glass pricks into her skin.

I advance through the alleyway, walking out towards the street. The first sign of sun slips through the cracks in a building. I stand in the small glimmer of light, embracing the first traces of sun I'd seen in hours. Zoe walks ahead of me, walking closer towards the main street, out of the alleyway.

Walking out of the sliver of sunlight, I begin to head towards Zoe, who was standing at the opening of the alleyway, staring out into the main street. I stop suddenly, my boot getting stuck on something. I stare down at my right black combat boot, noticing it was surrounded by a sticky substance. Dark purple blood.

Drip. Drip. Drip. The puddle of sticky blood spreads larger. A drop lands on my skin. In a sudden realization, my gaze slowly turns to the sky, where a body lay on a staircase, their grey arm hanging over the side limply. The body shakes violently, as if being ripped at. I step back, noticing another figure on top of the body. The figure tears viciously at the grey body oozing purple blood, not yet noticing I was there.

From the looks of it, the body isn't human. Purple blood and grey skin practically screams out Corrupted. So, what kind of unknown creature is tearing away at it?

"Zoe..." I whisper, trying to get her attention. Her gaze stays focused on the opening to the main road, as she advanced closer and closer to freedom. I take a single step around the deep purple blood, being careful not to make a sound. "Zoe..." I whisper viciously, continuing to try and get her attention. She walks further away, completely unaware of the danger.

I keep my pace slow, tiptoeing further and further away from the puddle of blood and vicious creature, who was now slowly lifting its head up. Its eyes were puddles of grey, mouth dripping with the purple blood of its victim. I recognise it. It looks like the creature... from the safe house. At the warehouse, and the night of the attack. But it was different. A different form, body shape. But it had the same stance, movements, eyes, skin.

I take a step away, attempting to quicken my pace. The creature whips its head aggressively towards me, its eyes sharpening before pulling that sickening smirk. It knew me.

The Corrupted (Completed - editing)Where stories live. Discover now