Chapter 9 - "One Last Breath"

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I find the strength to open my eyes for one last time. One last breath. The lights flicker on for a brief moment, revealing a dark figure ahead of me.

"Ethan? Link?" I mumble, using every bit of strength I have to cough out those two words.

The lights continue to flicker, yet every time they're switched on for a second, the figure moves closer. It is only when the stranger is halfway down the corridor that I soon realize this was not Ethan, nor Link. This was not human. I push myself up, my body somehow finding the energy to regenerate. I am in danger. I either need to get out of here... Or get ready to fight.

As my vision slowly clears, I can see the creature is slightly hunched over, but not in weakness. In aggression.

My posture wavers, dizziness corrupting my view. The lights turn off once again, but this time they don't turn back on straight away. I can't just hear my own slow breathing anymore. A familiar growling approaches me, and with every step it takes, I can feel myself getting stronger. Suddenly my vision ignites, but looking up, I realize the lights hadn't turned back on.

I could see through the dark. And staring back at me was a familiar grey-eyed creature. Those same grey eyes that I had seen before, at the warehouse.

"You." I growl, my voice appearing fierce and not at all weak. The creature then in turn flashes a smirk at me. That strange, disorientated smirk I had captured in my memory the first time I had seen it, pressed up against that warehouse wall.

The smirk quickly vanishes, and is replaced by a deadly glare. The creature remembered me. It grabs at my throat, shoving me forcefully against the wall.

And as I'm standing there, being choked to death, I feel something within me. The spark was igniting into a full-force fire.

My eyes snap open, everything awakening. I raise my hands up, prying the creatures unsettling warm fingers off of my throat. The creature stumbles back in surprise, allowing me to make another attack. My hand staggers forward, as if no longer under my control, grabbing onto its arm. In a quick and swift motion, I yank his arm backwards, causing a loud snapping sound followed by a shriek of pain. The creature drops to its knees, cradling its broken arm. After a few moments of whimpering, the creature finally stands up, dropping its arm. It glares back at my gazing stare, cracking its neck before lunging towards me once again. This time, I shoot my leg out, kicking the creature backwards so it slams into the wall, causing the house to shake. It slowly closes its grey eyes, falling unconscious. I approach the dark figure, weak and tangled on the floor, getting ready to finish it off.

"Damn," Ethan's voice appears from behind. His smooth, husky tone instantly snaps me out of my trance, leading me to turn around. There Ethan stood, at the end of the hallway, along with Link by his side, both staring in bewilderment. "You sure are something else, Costco girl."


"Eve, eve listen to me."

I'm shaken awake to the sound of a soft, but urgent voice.

"Wake up baby girl. Come on, look at me." A woman stands in front of me, her gaze warm and comforting. I looked at her face, and it was as if I was staring at an older, more matured version of myself. Same green eyes. She smiled at me, her lips tugging upwards, crow's feet becoming more defined at the corners of her eyes. She was sophisticated, poised. She was beautiful.

"We don't have a lot of time. They don't know that I'm here, but I'm sure they'll find me soon." Her eyes flicker around the room, clearly tensed and paranoid.

"Who are you?" I ask, blinking my eye lids, staring intently at her face, taking in every inch.

"I've visited your visions before. But there's no time to explain that. I need you to listen carefully, okay?" She says, grabbing my shoulders, her touch sending chills down my body. I nod, attempting to swallow any thoughts or questions that ponder my very being.

"Things are going to get climactic when you awake. But you need to stay focused. You are the saviour, Eve. Remember that. Focus on my voice, not my appearance. Focus on my words. YOU are the saviour. Do not trust anyone. The people you see around you could turn on you in an instant. YOU are the saviour. Do whatever you can to get back to North Wall, from there they will find you. They will know who you are. You understand?"

I nod, trying to memorize everything she said.

"One last thing." She says, taking out a silver object from her pocket. My locket.

"Where did you get that?" I sputter, my mind running in a million different directions.

She smiles warmly, placing the locket in my palm and securing my fingers firmly around it.

"I have to go. Remember what I said, okay? I love you, Eve. I love you so much. I'll see you soon-

I take my final glimpse at her, noticing her vibrant green eyes filled with tears.

(I just edited a massive chunk out of the ending, forget it was even there guys ;D)





Hey strangers, long time no see, right? I feel like that should be my greeting to you guys, cause it literally takes me months to upload. So, I considered putting this series on hold, but then I thought, nah. Stuff it. I'm just gonna right this and get it done. Plus the fact last month was Red's ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!! WOOH PARTY PARTY! Sorry, had to get that out. I have a lot more planned for this, and it's not a great time for me to put it on hold, considering we've already got into the main storyline. Just keep in mind this was my first ever Wattpad series, so it isn't too great. I have plenty more ideas for some stories coming up - a few of them short stories, considering the fact I have now found I'm terrible at updating frequently - so those should be coming soon. I wanted to dedicate this chapter once again to my amazing friend, TheLostParadox. She just released a new series, 'The Nightmare Roadtrip'. I definitely recommend you go read it and leave a comment for her letting her know how amazing it is (and that I sent you, duh)! By the way, which would you guys rather see first? A short story that I have completed or a new series I had in mind. Let me know!


Remember to point out those nasty little grammar mistakes for me, most of the time I skip over them!

Until next time,


The Corrupted (Completed - editing)Where stories live. Discover now