Chapter 21 - "A Very Corrupted Christmas Pt.1"

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After my conversation with Zoe, we'd stayed up on the wheel for a while, exchanging stories. I told her about Ethan and Simon, whilst she told me more about her brother, Daniel, and their childhood together. She wasn't just the tough girl spy anymore, she was so much more than that.

Hours later, we sit in the van together, both of us eating some left over rice, making small conversation. Fallon sat in her corner as usual sharpening her knife, after rejecting dinner. Dex was feeding Dax small spoonfuls of rice on the couch across from us, talking quietly to one another, whilst Flynn was yet again driving up the front.

Jason and Annie were up on the bed, where we could start to hear soft whimpers. Jason sat with his arms around Annie, stroking her hair in an attempt to sooth her. She was shaking violently, whispering gibberish and whimpers into his shoulder. Slowly Annie began to calm down, as they sat for a few minutes, Jason gently swaying her.

"Don't worry about it." Zoe says beside me, pushing the rice around her bowl with her spoon. "She has... episodes, sometimes. It'll take her a few minutes to calm down. You'll get used to seeing them."

I watch closer as sadness grows over Jason's face, continuing to hug Annie tighter.

"Why?" I ask, looking back over to Zoe.

"Well," She says, "We don't know exactly what happened. Annie doesn't like to speak much of it. But while she was in the government compound... They did some horrific things to her. Electric shocking's. Beatings. Drownings. They played mind games with her, got into her head. Abused her worst nightmares, just so she would reveal any information about how Jason escaped and where he'd gone. They traumatised her."

"Her episodes have been decreasing, but they'll always be there. That kind of trauma is something you never forget. It'll haunt her for the rest of her life." Zoe sighs, shaking her head. "But at least she has Jason. They love each other so much – he can always calm her down."

I look back over to the couple, with Annie now sleeping in Jason's arms as he stared down at her, a loving look on his face.

"That's the kind of love your twelve year old self dreams of, you know? Something so pure, genuine. Unbreakable." Zoe smiles, finishing her rice. She gets up from the seat to clean up the dishes, leaving just me and my thoughts.

Yet all I could think about was Ethan. I didn't love him – but there was something there. Something that I knew could grow into love, if given the chance. Had it been this difficult for Jason and Annie? If things are meant to be... shouldn't they just fall into place?


"Guys..." Dax says weakly, interrupting the silence in the van. We all turn our focus to Dax, who was sitting up now. "Could you grab my book?" He points to the box in a shelf, filled with all of Dax's belongings – maps, compasses, the usual.

Dex jumps up quickly, grabbing the box, searching through the many items. He finally finds the book, pulling it out and handing it over to Dax before placing the box back on the shelf.

Dax sits up, propping himself up on his elbows. Dex rushes to his side, placing a pillow behind his head.

"Calm it, Dex. I'm not a newborn, I can support my own neck you know." Dax chuckles weakly, shuffling through the pages of his worn book.

Dex steps back, offended almost, mumbling something under his breath before sitting down at the feet of Dax, almost as if he was too afraid to leave his side. He'd been like that ever since the accident, only ever going out to 'think' by himself.

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