Birthday Present

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Kabir's POV

"Kabir wake up today is your birthday and you have to come to the temple with me. Every year I need to remind you and every year you forget it! " My morning alarm, my sweet mother said giving me a glare and sliding the curtain so that the sunlight was right on my face.

"Mom just five minutes more after that I promise I will go straight to the bathroom and will come with you," I said sleepily and covering myself more with duvet just to dodge the sunlight, feeling the need to sleep more.

"Stop being a baby Kabir get up you are 26 today and don't you dare ask me five more minutes. Get up now!" She said in an authoritative manner. I groaned knowing there is no point in arguing with my mother and also now I was fully awake and was eyeing my mother who was giving me her sweetest smile.

Well, meet my mom, Mrs. Neena Malhotra. She is the most amazing and loving women you will ever meet. She loves her children more than anything in this whole world. She is my idol and I have never seen a couple like my mom and dad. Even after 28 years of their marriage, they are still in love with each other and I admire their relationship. If ever I get married I want a wife who is the exact replica of my mom. Why I am thinking about my marriage! Anyway, When it comes to morning rituals she literally turns into tigress just like today!

I huffed and decided to give up and groaned, "fine. I am going to take a shower and coming down in twenty minutes. Okay, Happy now?" Sarcasm was clear in my voice and my mother was quick to catch it.

"Aww, my poor baby! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, son. I have a wonderful present for you just come downstairs soon! "She said in a playful tone.

"Yeah yeah coming." I said going to my bathroom.

As said and promised I took a quick shower, got dressed casually and head downstairs only to be greeted by my wonderful family.

"Happy birthday Bhai!!"! My younger sister Sanaya chirped. She looked so cute in her baby pink tank top and blue jeans but in her brown eyes told me something was not right as she was grinning like an idiot and I am very well aware of that smile of hers! Anyway like a big brother, I am overprotective towards her. She is too good for others and is a pure and selfless soul.

"Thanks, Sana," I said kissing her forehead.

"Happy birthday son." My dad said hugging me and patted my back.

"I am so proud of you beta." He said with pure love in his eyes.

"Thanks, Dad for always respecting my decisions and letting me do what I wanted to do. Thank you for everything." I said feeling truly grateful.

"If all your drama is over then can I take my son to temple with me?" My mother said glaring at everyone.

"Yes, sure Neena, of course, you can." My dad said trying too hard not to laugh but failed miserably and burst into laughter and soon everyone joined him. This usually happens every day. My dad loves to tease my mom and he does it so affectionately that my mom let go of her anger too.

There was a strange smile playing on everyone's lips today I noticed. Everybody is way too much happy today and something is related to me because firstly Sanaya winked at me when I came downstairs and when we were leaving my dad winked at me too. Something is surely wrong today.

We soon reached the temple and mom offered her prayers. After that, she turned to me and her eyes were twinkling with some kind of unknown emotion. Then she took out an envelope and said," there is a photograph of a girl which your dad and I have chosen for you. Have a look at her. We are not in any kind of a hurry take as much time as you want. Her mom will also tell her about you. And this is the Birthday present I was talking about, her name is Naina."

Bloody hell I never thought about this. I am sure that they want me to get settle and even I am also ready with this marriage thing but it felt too sudden. What relaxed me the most at that moment is my mom and dad has chosen this girl for me. Because of my good background and okay looks I feel sometimes girls literally throw themselves at me but till now I haven't been able to find that one girl whom when I look at her, my whole world stops. Who love me instead of my bank balance. Someone who is self-sufficient and independent. Someone who understands this sacred bond called marriage. My friends rightly say that I am an old soul as for me marriage, relationships mean so much more than sex and in today's generation it is hard to find all of this. I feel happen when I think about that till now I have not slept with anybody.

"Kabir you don't have to open this right now you can do it later okay. Last decision will always be yours," she said with a smile and snapped me back to reality. I just nodded and smile.

All the way back home unwillingly I was thinking about Naina. I was curious to see her and wanted to reach home as soon as it is possible.

The moment we reached home I immediately jumped from my car and rush towards my room. Nobody was there in the living room and I cannot be more grateful. An investigation was the last thing that I needed from my family right now.

I locked myself in my room and took out the envelope that my mom gave me. Slowly I opened it and took the photograph out.

I am going to write 2-3 chapters with kabirs point of view as he is still a mystery to everyone.
So what do you think about Kabir's personality? I am not an expert and to write with a point of view of man is quiet difficult. But still, I am trying my level best.

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