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Year: X766

It was the middle of the night. A woman cloaked in black was running through a forest, carrying a woven basket. Behind her was a burning village. She placed her basket down under an uprooted tree and took off her hood. (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes were revealed.

She lifted the (F/C) blanket off of her basket and two large (E/C) eyes stared up at her.

"She went this way! Get her!" The woman's eyes filled with tears as she kissed her daughter's forehead and tucked a note into the baby's blanket. She stroked her child's head one last time before running back to the burning village leaving a crying, screaming baby girl behind.

•*•*•*•*•*•* Time Skip •*•*•*•*•*•*

As the sun rose, a large purple and silver dragon was flying overhead and heard the annoying cries of a human baby. She flew down and saw a hand woven basket sitting under a fallen tree.

As she trotted over to it, she could just make out a pair of tiny hands waving around and two tiny feet kicking in the air. When the dragon was next to the basket, she clearly saw a baby girl with small tufts of (H/C) hair and large (E/C) eyes full of confusion and curiosity.

One of the first things she noticed though, was a small label attached to the basket that read "(Y/N)" in cursive letters.

"Hello there, (Y/N)." The dragon smiled. "I'm Kalaina." She kneeled down and put her giant nose close to the baby's face. (Y/N) giggled and touched the tip of her snout.

"Now, where are your parents..." As the large dragon looked up, she saw what looked like the remains of a village in the distance. Kalaina sighed. She couldn't just leave this poor baby girl here.

She picked the basket up in her mouth and flew off to her cave.

Year: X776

"That was amazing, mom!" It had been ten years since Kalaina, the moon dragon had found (Y/N) and taken her in as her own. By now, she had grown into a young girl with (H/L), (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes.

"Flying is amazing dear. And if you're willing to really train hard, there's a spell I can teach you that allows you to have wings for a period of time."

"Really? Wow! What's it called?"

"It's called 'Moonshine Levitation'. It takes a lot of concentration and control. And it takes up quite a bit of magic power, but I believe you can master it."

The girl's eyes widened and she grinned. "I could totally master that spell, mom! Teach me, teach me!

"I will dear. But first, I have something for you." Kalaina pulled out a sash from the folds of her skin and handed it to the small girl.

(Y/N) smiled brightly and tied it around her waist. The sash was metallic (F/C) and shone in the sunlight. It looked almost like it was made out of scales.

"Thanks, Mom! You're the best."

"Of course dear." The moon dragon looked up at the night sky. "Now let's get to bed. We've got a big day ahead of us."

(Y/N) nodded. "Yup." She curled up next to Kalaina and drifted off.

"Goodnight, my love."

"Goodnight mom."

Year: X777

It has been one week since Kalaina disappeared completely. (Y/N) had woken up from a good night's sleep to find her mother was gone. She thought nothing of it at first. But as the days went by, Kalaina didn't come back. (Y/N) waited and waited, but she knew the moon dragon had left her. All she was left with now, was the (F/C) sash that her mother had given her as a gift.

(Y/N) was now traveling the forest, trying to find some form of civilization, when suddenly, she tripped over what she thought was a rock.

"What in the world...?" She had come across a large white egg with violet-red markings on it. It kind of looked like a dragon egg.

"I'll keep it as a pet. My own little dragon." (Y/N) took the egg and kept it warm for a few days by creating a makeshift baby hammock from her sash until it hatched.

A cat, the same color as the markings on her egg, popped out. She had purple tipped ears and paws and the end of her tail was purple too. Her belly and most of her face was a light red, while most of her body was dark violet red. The most noticeable thing about her though, was her big purple eyes.

She stared up at (Y/N), who was confused and a bit disappointed. She wanted another dragon to call her own.

(Y/N) cocked her head and looked at the cat creature, who stared right back.

"You are pretty cute. I'll name you...Rami!" She picked up her new friend and hugged her tight. "Come on, I'll set up camp."

After camp was set, (Y/N) went into her tent made of fallen branches and large leaves, cuddled up against Rami, and quickly fell asleep.

The Dragon I Loved; A Sting x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now