|| Louis Tomlinson ||

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Dedicated to Sabrina_boo

You and Louis have been dating for 3 years. 3 years didn't seem long, but for you, they were the longest years of your life that were filled with happiness, and love. Louis was at the studio with the lads recording a new record for their album while you were at home doing some errands. It was around 5 in the evening, and Louis was supposed to be home 2 hours ago, which made you go into panic mode. He's never home late before, nor has he ever. You decided to text him to see where he was by saying 

'Baby, where are you? You were supposed to be home 2 hours ago... Did I do something wrong?'

After texting him, you sat there and waited. After 20 minutes, there was no response, until you heard your phone ding after getting a notification. There was a text from Liam saying

'Hey, Sabrina. Louis told me to tell you that he's awfully sorry for being late. He said for me to tell you that you didn't do anything wrong. However, if you can meet him at the park in 15 minutes, that'll be wonderful. :)'

With that, a smile came across your face, knowing that Liam giving you an update on Louis was something that calmed you down big time. You got changed into a cute sundress with sandals along with natural makeup, and your hair straightened. You drove down to the park to meet up with Louis. Once you were there, you seen rose petals scattered about, which was made into some sort of path. As you walked down that path, Liam, Niall, and Harry gave you a rose. As you seen Louis, you couldn't help but smile and blush at the fact that he has 4 roses in hand. "Hey love, sorry about running fashionably late," he said apologetically. "It's fine," you said sweetly. He pulled out a chair, and the both of you had a candlelight dinner. "This is really romantic," you admitted. "Thanks. I try my best for you," he smiled. After dinner, Louis helped you up as you smiled. He took out a velvet box as he got down on one knee, your left hand in his. You smiled wide as you put your right hand over your mouth.

"Sabrina," he started. "These past three years were the best years of my life. You have been so supportive of everything that the lads and I have done, and I just want to thank you. Through my darkest days, you have a way to make my days so much brighter, and I thank you for that as well. But enough of that for now, love... There's one important question that I need to ask. Will you marry me?" 

He opened up the box, which contained a beautiful right of your choosing. You cried with tears of joy as you nodded. He placed the ring on your finger, stood up, and kissed you passionately. This was definitely one of the best nights of your life. 

**A/N: Hi Sabrina! I hope you like your imagine. I hope I didn't do too bad, but I hope it's fair enough.** 

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