|| Michael Clifford ||

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-Dedicated to Savannah Woody- 

You and Michael have been going with each other for five happy years. During those years, you both have had amazing memories that you and him will cherish forever in the years to come. You both might've had ups and downs here and there, but you both enjoyed each other's company, and were there for each other through thick and thin. Michael has been on tour with the lads for 6 months now, and you've been dying  to see him. You were laying in bed as you and him were on Skype with each other. 

"Mikey, I want you to come home soon. I miss you so much, love."

"I miss you, too, my princess. I'll be home soon, don't worry. The lads and I will be home in a few days. We have a few more shows, and then we're done."

You nodded as the both of you kept talking. The next few days went by, and you heard a knock on the door. You walk up to the door and opened it. Standing in front of you was Michael holding a bouquet of red roses as he stood there nervously. "Mikey!" You said as you smiled. "Hi there, love. I got these for you," he said as he handed you the roses. You planted a soft kiss on his lips as you put the roses in a vase. The both of you went outside as you enjoyed the fresh air. "Is it okay if I ask you something important?" He asked you. Confused, you nodded. Michael took out a velvet box and got down on one knee. "Savannah, you've been there for me since day one, and I thank you for all that you've done for me. You're my best friend, my rock, my life... I cannot imagine my future without you," he said. With that, he opened up the box as tears filled your eyes. "Savannah Woody, will you do the honor of becoming my wife?" He asked. "Yes, yes, yes!" You said over and over. He put the ring on your finger and spun you, along with giving you a passionate kiss. 

**A/N: Welp, I hope you liked it, Savannah! Sorry if this sucks.**

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