|| Niall Horan ||

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-Dedicated to Angelica Howell-

You and Niall have been married for 2 years now, and have a beautiful one year old daughter named Evelyn. Since Evelyn was born, Niall has been very helpful by helping you take care of her every now and then so you could rest. It was in the middle of the night, and you heard Evelyn crying. You sighed quietly and got up. Just when you were about to go to the crib, Niall holds your waist. 

"I got her, love. You fed her an hour ago, and you need some rest. I'll take care of the little princess."

"Thanks, baby." 

With that, he smiled as you gave him one back and went back to sleep. Niall fed Evelyn her bottle as he sung to her. Even though you were in peaceful slumber, you couldn't help but smile. You were the luckiest woman in the world the moment Niall started singing to Evelyn to keep her calm throughout the night. At times, you couldn't help but giggle at Niall's baby voice for when he spoke to your daughter. After Evelyn was fed, Niall crawled back into bed and snuggled with you. "Thanks for doing that, hon," you said tiredly. "You're welcome. You know that I'm always here to help you, my love," he said. With that, you both slept peacefully. 

**A/N: I hope you enjoyed, Angelica! Sorry if this was short, but I hope it's worth it.**

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