|| Louis Tomlinson ||

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-Dedicated to Zoe Hamilton- 

You and Louis were on your honeymoon after the both of you were married. As for where you both went, you went to Florence, which is a city in Italy. It was one of your dream vacation spots, and it finally came true! For the day, you and Louis walked around Florence, and seen all of the beautiful landmarks and stores. Later on, the both of you went to a beautiful Italian restaurant. Louis held your hands as the both of you sat across the table. 

"You know, love, I've never imagined that we would be in such a beautiful vacation spot. It's so beautiful here, and I'm happy that we got to go on this honeymoon."

"Me too, Louis. I've always wanted to go here, and here we are."

You both smiled as you ate your food. You both talked about your future as a married couple, which made you feel butterflies. To end your beautiful day in Florence, you both went to one of the landmarks, which was a lake. On this lake, the lights hit it, which made it more beautiful. "This place makes me realize how much I love you, Zoe. I really do," he said. "I love you, too, Louis. You know, I became very lucky when we were first going together. You've made me the happiest person in this world," you told him. With that, he pulls you close and kisses your cheek. "I've became lucky myself," he said softly. You then went back home to your apartment, and spend the rest of the evening together watching movies. 

**A/N: Hi, Zoe! Sorry if this was short, but I hope it's worth it.** 

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