|| Niall Horan ||

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-Dedicated to Heidy Lopez- 

It was the morning of your birthday, and you slept in as much as you could. You woke up after a night of peaceful slumber, and you stretched as you sat up. You look over to your left, and Niall wasn't in the bed. "Niall...?" You asked tiredly. You went down the stairs, and you seen a vase full of your favorite flowers with a note along with a plate full of your favorite breakfast foods that you enjoy eating. As you sat down, you read Niall's note that reads

'Hey love, happy birthday! I'm sorry I wasn't able to eat breakfast with you since I had to run errands this morning, but I'll be back home later with your present. I love you, my sweet, precious, birthday girl. - N x'

This note had made your day, considering that you now have a smile on your face. You ate your breakfast as you think about this gift Niall is about to come home with. Later on in the day, somewhere in the afternoon, Niall arrives home with a box in hand. "Hi darling," Niall said. "Hey there," you said. With that, he gives you a passionate kiss. "Happy birthday, m'love. Mind opening this for me?" He asked as he handed you the gift. You opened it, and you see a little head pop out. "Oh, my gosh. Niall, you didn't!" You said with a smile. He chuckled as he nodded. You then took out the little bunny as you held it. "Niall, this is so adorable, thank you!" You told him. "Anything for my birthday girl," he said. You both share a soft, passionate kiss once you placed the bunny down. As for the rest of the day, Niall took you out to dinner, and then ended your birthday with a cuddle. 

**A/N: Hi, Heidy! I hope you enjoy this. If not, I apologize.**

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