Chapter Four

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Chapter Four !! ((: Much Love !! <33


Kimberly's POV

*Four days later*

Finally it's Friday! This week went by so quick. It's been pretty hectic for me. Word got around that I'm a psychotic bitch who beats her own family. They weren't there so it doesn't matter what they think.

My mom found out what happened and took my car away for two weeks. My brother got grounded for a month and we don't talk. Luke's still his old self. Jai's more louder now. James doesn't speak to me anymore, good. I don't see Beau around his house anymore, just when he helps Gina with the groceries.

And Daniel, well he's at my house 24/7 but doesn't talk to me. Mom doesn't mind him here since she practically grounded him too. I honestly don't have anybody except for Jackie.

Yes, suprisignly she stayed with me. Thank you god for bringing me an angel! I told her everything that happened and she helped me out. I love her to death, all though I only know her for five days.

At the moment we are in sixth period waiting for the bell to freaking ring! The teacher still doesn't like me. She's still complaining on how much I talk. That bitch. She talks more than me! Just glad it's Friday. The weekends are going to suck though, since I'm not talking to nobody except Jackie. But she's going to her grandmother's house so I'm alone. Yay. What fun.


Finally! I grabbed my things and walked out of the class to my locker. I opened my locker and grabbed my penny board that I bought yesterday. The board is white and turquoise. The wheels are turquoise.

I've been walking/skating to and from school everyday. This is over in about less than two weeks. I grabbed my things and closed my locker.

I started riding through the hallways almost running people over, when a voice spoke loudly.

"Look bitch thinks she's cool. How pathetic. Where's your little nerd friend? Did she finally decide to leave you? I mean you're way more pathetic than her."

I recognized that high-pitched voice. The sluttiest slut of all sluts, Amy Fucking Lucas. I stopped my board and turned around. I rode over to her and stopped in front of her. I got off my board and put it aside along with my backpack.

"You know Amy. If you just wanted to get fucked up, you should have just asked me politely."

I grabbed her by the hair and slammed her down to the floor. I got on top of her and started punching her pretty little face. I stood up and kicked her in the ribs hard. I did this continuously and got on top of her again. I grabbed her hair and looked at her.

"You're pathetic you know that. Treating people like shit won't get you anywhere in life. So I suggest you leave your stupid little slutty dreamland and come to the real world cause honey that's when shit actually gets real."

I raised my fist and was about to hit her in the nose when somebody pulled me away.

"You didn't let me finish with her!" I told the person who held me back. I looked at the person and saw who it was. Luke.

"Let me go, Luke!"

"No. I know you're going to get back in top of her and fuck her up more. Probably even kill her."

"What do you care on what I do?"

"She's my girlfriend!"

"Well go worry about her instead of me."

He loosened up a bit and I slipped out of his grip. I got my things and rode off in the hall. I'm surprised no teachers noticed the huge commotion in the hall. I quickly got out of the school grounds before an adult did come. Ehh they'll find me anyways so whatever.

I got home in less than ten minutes. Wow new record. I took out my keys and opened the front door. Right when I walked into the living room, the smell of pizza and Chinese food hit my nose. I heard voices coming from the kitchen. I sighed knowing it was my brother and his friends.

I walked into the kitchen and everybody shut up. I rolled my eyes and walked to the fridge. I opened it and got out a water bottle and an apple to eat. I also got ice for my sore hand. I've gotten into plenty of fights before but my hand is still not used to all the punching. I turned back around and saw every single one of the guys starring at me.

"Do I have something on my face or are am I just that attractive?" I smirked.

They all turned back to what they were doing except for my brother.

"Are you going to tell me something?"

"No. Just leave."

"Don't have to tell me twice."

I really want to work things out with Max. I really miss my dorky brother.

"Hey Max can I talk to you real quick? Alone."

"Uhh. I guess."

"Ok I'll meet you in the living room."

I walked out of the kitchen before he even replied. God I hope we don't end up in a bigger fight after this. I sat on the couch while waiting for him. He came in and sat next to me.

"So what is it you wanted to talk to me about?" He said in a weird accent.

I couldn't help but laugh at his dorkiness.

"I'm sorry about the other day. I was stupid for hitting you. I overreacted and-"

"Kim, you're my sister and I love you. I'm the one who should be saying sorry for calling you a slut, whore, etc. And I'm sorry for bringing up ... Uhh ... Michael..."

"I love you too Max."

I hugged him and stayed hugging.

"You have to hug back you know."

"Oh yea sorry."

Gosh feels good talking to my brother again.

"I forgive you"

We both said in unison.

We finally let go and we stood up. I told him I was going upstairs and watch a movie. He nodded and I went to my room. I took a shower and changed into dark blue sweats and a black sweater. I grabbed my laptop and put up Netflix. I found the movie Dumbo and started watching.

It was only 10 minutes in the movie and I was already bored. I sighed and closed my laptop. I got up from my bed and went downstairs. My brother's friends were still here I can hear them laughing like maniacs in the kitchen. It was only five, what can I do at this hour? I can go to town but I don't have my car, but, I do have my penny.

I guess I'll go into town.


Oh my gosh guys I'm soooo sorry it's late and short ;-; I barely got my iPod yesterday. I hope you're not mad u.u

Love you guys !






~ Aleee . <3333

Amy to your right -------->

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