Big smelly dog

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"Little lamb!!" Harry shouted from the kitchen.

"Yes wolf?" Louis asked prancing into the room that smelled of bacon and pancakes.

"Breakfast is ready." Harry stated setting a plate of delectable food onto the table for Louis.

"Thank you Harry, it looks and smells great," Louis stabbed his fork into the butter and syrup covered pancakes and took a big bite "and they taste great too!!"

Harry just hummed and nodded hen went to washing the dishes from making breakfast.
Louis eyes him suspiciously while continuing to eat his mouthwatering meal.

Louis had noticed ever since that day that they had gone fishing, Harry had been acting different. It was still the same lovable Harry, but more distant...Louis felt like he felt when Harry had forced him to live here.

Louis then frowned and looked down stuffing some more fluffy pancakes into his mouth. The only reason that he actually had food to eat, or ingredients to actually make some, was because Louis's Nan had rushed a basket of food at Louis before they had left her cottage.

Louis finished off his pancakes and smiled at Harry's back since he still hadn't turned around.

"The food was very good Harry." Louis said going up to Harry and wrapping him arms around the taller man's stomach resting his head on Harry's back, Louis frowned when he felt Harry tense up "I liked how you put coconut flakes into the pancakes."

"Yeah thanks." Harry said before moving out of Louis's grip and walking out of the kitchen.

Louis was left standing there confused as to why Harry was acting so distant lately, and it kinda hurt...


Louis was sitting on the couch braiding some flowers together when Harry walked into the room standing over him. Louis looked up smiling stopping the song he had been humming in his head.

"I'm going out for awhile. Don't expect me back until later." Harry said looking down at Louis.

"That's fine. I'll wait for you. If I may ask, where are you going Harry?" Louis asked smiling softly at his wolf.

"I'm...going out for a run..." Harry said quietly hanging his head in something that looked like shame. Louis had no idea why Harry would be ashamed though.

"Oh...can I come?" Louis asked happily making Harry step back so he could stand up. He set the flowers down on the small table and looked back up to the green eyed wolf.

"No." Harry stated simply before walking back towards the door.

"Why not?" Louis asked unfazed by Harry's want to stop talking.

"That's none of your business!!" Harry shouted turning around with wide angry eyes that seemed to be glowing. His stance was defensive and his hands were balled into fists. His mouth was pursed angrily and his nostrils flared.

Louis stepped back but then just as fast, stepped back up. Louis had an unreadable expression before rushing over and raising his hand to Harry's face. Harry closed his eyes anticipating a slap from the small boy, but opened his eyes once more when he felt a soft touch.

Louis was fondly looking into Harry's eyes as he rested his hand against Harry's cheek. Louis brushed his thumb against Harry's cheek bone and then hugged the wolf.

"Hey wolf, please tell me what's wrong..?" Louis asked looking up to Harry not releasing his arms from around the tall boy.

Harry sighed and looked away to the ground before saying "But you'll be scared of me.."

"I won't be scared of you, we care about each other, remember?" Louis asked looking over Harry's features.

Harry sighed once more and then rested his chin on top of Louis's feathery hair "but you are scared of me though, I know this.." Louis separated with a confused look.

"Harry I'm not scared of you, not at all." Louis said taking Harry's large hand.

"No Louis, you're scared of my wolf." Harry said making Louis still look confused.

"I shifted the other day at the pond, you were scared by it." Harry said letting go of Louis's hand.

Louis stood there confused before a look of realization crossed his face. His eyes widened before he lunged at Harry wrapping his arms tightly around the green eyed boy.

"No Harry no!! I didn't know that was you!! I though that was a wild wolf!! I wouldn't have been scared if I knew it was you!! I trust you, I trust you Harry." Louis said earnestly looking into Harry's eyes. Harry stared at Louis for a moment before taking his hand and yanking him outside.

"H-Harry? What are you doing?" Louis asked as Harry led him to a clearing between the trees. Louis blushed and turned around as Harry began to strip his clothes.

"H-Harry? Seriously, what are you d-doing?!" Louis yelled with a bright red face feeling embarrassed since he had seen Harry's chest and happy trail.

Louis flinched when he heard what sounded like bones cracking and painful grunts. Then there was silence, all you could hear was the wind brushing through the trees. Louis stiffened when he felt something wet and cold touch his palm.

Louis turned around to see the large black wolf from the pond lowering his head so his muzzle rested in Louis's palm. Louis stood still for a moment before running his hand over the wolf's head between his ears. Louis smiled when he intertwined his fingers with the fur enjoying the soft texture.

Louis turned around fully before dropping to the floor and wrapping his arms around Harry's neck. Harry's neck was so big that Louis's arms weren't even close to touching around the other side. Louis smiled and kissed the wolf's nose before smiling and laughing.

"Harry," Louis said making the wolf stare into his eyes "you're so pretty!!" Louis squealed before hugging the wolf tighter and burrowing his face into the wolf's warm fur "Even if you are a big smelly dog!!" Louis laughed some more.

What Louis had said was in fact a lie. To Louis, Harry smelled amazing. Harry smelled like honey and pine trees, a weird combination, but it was still Harry.

The wolf jumped and licked Louis's face sniffing all over his face making Louis giggle and fall down. Harry hovered over Louis continuing to lick his face. Louis was in a giggling fit pleading for Harry to have mercy.

Harry stepped back panting with a happy dog look and Louis laughed still on his back staring at the clouds. The wolf walked over next to Louis laying down and curling up against Louis's side. Harry rested his head on Louis's stomach while Louis petted him. They spent the rest of the afternoon like that.






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