Living with a wolf

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Louis woke up the next morning in a velvety soft red bed. There was a giant window on the left side of the room that was open and had a nice breeze blowing through making the curtains sway.

The rest of the night before had just consisted of Harry telling Louis the rules and showing him around.

Once Louis had got up, he went into the kitchen only to look around and find nothing in the cupboards except cups and salt.

How does this guy live?

The front door swung open and Harry limped in with a bloody leg and his face was crumpled in pain.

Louis gasped and ran over to the taller boy.

"Oh my god Harry!!" Louis wrapped his arm around Harry's waist and led him to a chair to sit down "what happened?!" Louis yelled upset that Harry was hurt.

Yeah sure Harry was keeping him here against his will but Louis was against violence and still....seeing Harry hurt...he didn't like it.

"A bear trap...I was running and it clamped on my leg..." Harry said squeezing the arm rest of the chair from the pain of Louis just folding up his pant leg.

Louis rolled it up all the way and almost fainted from what he saw. Harry's leg was oozing in blood and there were giant gashed littering his leg that looked like big teeth marks.

"Louis you ok?" Harry chuckled even though his face was white and he had sweat beads on his forehead.

"I'm f-fine.." Louis said paled since he hated blood and to see it like this...Louis was about to pass out...

Louis stumbled up and walked to the bathroom and got some towels. He cleaned off Harry's wound with warms water and wrapped it up in a shredded shirt.

It was weird, Louis was going to go look for bandages but Harry had insisted and said he didn't have to.

"Why?" Louis asked hands still shaking but curious as to why Harry wouldn't want help.

"I'll just turn. It'll heal faster if I turn. I won't need medicine or anything like that" Harry said with a tight smile as if telling Louis this made him uncomfortable.

"Turn?" Louis asked tilting his head in an adorable way.

"Into a wolf. I'll just turn into a wolf."

Louis almost fell back from the shock. Harry could turn into a wolf?! Why didn't he mention this before?!

"What?!" Louis exclaimed

Harry looked the other way with a solemn face "I can turn into a wolf. It's part of who I am, I have that ability....please don't be scared. People have left me before when they found out. I don't really like people to know. That's why I didn't tell you until now...." Harry said averting his eyes to the ground.

Louis just stared with wide eyes since this was such a surprising discovery. He knew Harry was a "wolf" but he wouldn't guess Harry could turn into an actual one....

"Don't worry Harry. It's fine." Louis said with a short smile and Harry gave him a thankful one in return.

"Ok well when are you going to...turn?" Louis asked knowing this was a sensitive subject.

"I guess I'll do it tonight....I'm going to have to do it in the woods since I could run the risk of hurting you...I'm unpredictable in wolf form..." Harry said looking down as if uncertain.

"Ok that's fine when should you get back?" Louis asked sitting next to Harry.

"A couple hours after I leave. It'll be quick." Harry answered standing up and balancing on one foot.

"Alright, I'll wait for you" Louis said with a cute smile as he tilted his head.

At that moment Harry felt something. He didn't know what it was but it was a twinge of a feeling. He thought Louis looked cute. He felt like he needed to protect him....

Later that night Harry had said goodbye and ventured off into the forest to transform and heal his wound. Louis just waved bye and then started waiting for Harry.

He went into the kitchen to find food, which of course he didn't find, and then looked out the window. He looked up into the sky and it was beautiful.

There were bright white and yellow stars, but the most beautiful thing of all, was the big and bright full moon.

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