The beast

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"Harry!! Stop!! I c-can't breathe!! Stop!!! You're killing m-me!!!" Louis shouted giggling as harry was tickling him to death.

Louis's legs kicked up wildly in the air making his red dress hike up to his thighs and his thigh high white stockings show their lace. Harry sat up on the heels of his feet and eyed the innocent boy hungrily.

Louis just made a small giggle that quickly died while they just stared into each other's eyes still smiling.

Harry stood up holding his hand out and helping Louis get up as he said "Hey Lou, so I was thinking maybe you can help me go hunting today." Harry suggested.

"Uh-h n-no I'm g-good..." Louis stuttered stepping back and face pale remembering the last time Harry went 'hunting'.

A look of realization came onto Harry's face as he said "oh no no no I was thinking we could just go fishing today and have that for dinner" Harry laughed nervously trying to lighten the mood.

After a moment Louis stiffly nodded. He then relaxed and made a little laugh as he skipped over to the door putting on his hood.

"Well then let's go!!"

Louis was sitting on a giant rock hanging over a large pond with a fishing pole made by a large stick and some wire and a hook. Louis had taken off his shoes and stockings so his legs hung bare over the water. His hood had also been set aside so all he wore was a little lacy red and black dress with ribbons.

Harry had said that he needed to 'go do something' which was pretty sketchy in Louis's opinion but he just shrugged it off. Louis closed his eyes and soaked up the feeling of the warms rays of the sun. He relaxed listening to the summer cicadas buzz and the dragonflies flying past his legs over the water.

Louis's eyes snapped open when he felt a tug on his line. He jumped up and looked over the rock to see a flash of silver scales splashing in the water. Louis stood up squealing trying to get the fish up but it was so strong Louis felt like he was going to fall in. He battled the fish which seemed impossibly strong.

Louis's eyes widened as one particular hard tug from the fish sent him over the edge of the rock he was standing on. Louis screwed his eyes shut preparing himself for the impact of water but only felt something soft and fluffy.

He opened his eyes and saw a huge black wolf supporting him right over the edge. Louis flew back and screamed falling to the floor.

The wolf was extremely large and had glowing gold eyes with green flecks intwined into its irises. It's hair was thick and dark and heavy. Each paw looked as large as Louis's face, maybe even bigger...

Louis's heart rate picked up afraid he was going to be eaten by the large beast. His eyes started watering as he jumped up and sprinted full speed away as fast as he could. He didn't look back but ran fast while his legs burned from the energy being used.

Louis's pace slowed when he heard Harry's voice.

Louis hey stop running its okay stop running

"Harry?!! Where are you?!! There's a monster after me!!! I'm so scared where are you?! It's so scary help me please!!" Louis screamed loudly while crying. He was truly afraid.

Harry didn't respond.

After a moment of more running Louis whipped around to see the wolf standing still, staring at the ground about 15 yards away. It was motionless and then it turned around and walked away.

Louis stood panting heavily staring at the retreating figure of the large wolf. Louis stared until he no longer even saw the wolf's body. Louis tried calling for Harry who never answered. Louis didn't want to go back to the pond since the wolf might've gone back there so he saw a log and sat down waiting to see if Harry would find him.

About an hour later Harry came back walking over to Louis. Harry didn't say anything except a simple quiet "cmon" and started walking away with his hair hanging in his face covering his eyes. Harry's head hung low and his shoulders were slumped. Louis wanted to hug Harry and feel safe again but Harry was acting as if he wasn't even there.

They walked home like that with no fish, no dinner, and not saying one word.





Dang rip Harry

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