Wild animal

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Louis had woken up that morning to walk into the living room to see Harry was still gone.

Louis had waited for him all night but he never appeared. Louis thought maybe he was doing something else so he had gone to bed without dinner since there wasn't anything to eat.

At the thought of food Louis's stomach growled so he got up and went down the stairs to check the kitchen again. Maybe there was a snack that he hadn't seen, but Louis knew that there was nothing...

Louis walked down the long stairs holding onto the steel rail and once he got to the bottom he was attacked. It was Harry, but he wasn't in wolf form. He looked normal (well his version of normal)

Harry pushed him to the floor and held his wrists above his head. Harry's eyes were blown wide and red, he looked wild. His curls falling around his face and his pointed canines bared. Harry made a growl deep from his throat, but the thing that scared Louis most, was that there was blood all over Harry's mouth.

"H-Harry" Louis said with wide and watery eyes because he was so scared. His body visibly shook when he asked "what's wrong? Why are y-you acting like this...?"

Harry's nose just scrunched up and he looked as if he was about to bite Louis, but Harry raised his claws on one hand and swung down onto Louis's arm causing him to scream out in pain.

Louis's shirt tore and there was lots of blood. Louis was crying and whimpering since Harry's cut had gone very deep. Harry sniffed the air filled with the smell of Louis's blood and scent. As soon as Harry inhaled, his pupils went back to their original size and he made an upset noise that sounded like a kitten whimper flinging himself off the small crying boy.

Harry shook his head and his eyes were wide as if not believing he did this. He shakily stood up and bolted out the door leaving Louis to cry in pain all by himself with no explanation.

A couple minutes after Harry ran off and after Louis collected himself, Louis stumbled to the bathroom and rummaged through it looking for a bandage.

Louis finally found some (which is surprising since nothing is in this house) and he washed his wound. There was no medicinal ointment so he just washed it off with water. Louis hoped it wouldn't get infected....after he washed it, he tentatively wrapped the bandage around his upper arm.

After he looked in the mirror he saw dark bags under his eyes and he looked really worn out, not to mention the huge gash on his arm.

He sighed and put on a different shirt since his other was torn up and bloody..he knew he'd look like this anyway, because of the stress and changes it would be weird if his body didn't react this way.

After one final look he walked out into the living room. There wasn't much to do so he decided to walk around. He put on his red cape and stepped outside.

He knew not to run away because he knew he'd get lost, and also he knew that Harry would be able to hunt him down. He was just gonna go for a walk nothing else, a short one at that. It isn't like there is anywhere for him to go anyway....

He walked down the pretty little path and started going up a clear hill behind the cottage.
There was a nice thin tree with pink flowers growing at the top nothing else. Everything was clear and grassy except for that tree.

Louis walked up the hill and once he got to the top he looked over at what was on the other side . A large pond but other than that nothing else either. It was just a green field with occasional wildflowers. This scene was absolutely breathtaking.

Louis set down a blanket that he had brought and laid down on it looking up at the blue sky and he took a deep breath of the fresh air.

What was wrong with Harry earlier? He seemed crazy and feral. He acted like a wild animal.....

Louis just couldn't figure out why Harry was acting that way, especially as to why he hurt Louis...Louis was now scared of the wolf..he already was just not to this extent.

Louis wouldn't have thought Harry would act this way and hurt him.

After about an hour of Louis laying there he had fallen asleep. It must have been the peaceful silence, soft breeze, and songs of the nearby mockingbirds that lulled Louis to sleep.

He was woken up to a pair of worried and dazzling green eyes that he loved so much.
Harry was kneeling beside him shaking his shoulders trying to see if the boy would wake up.

"H-Harry what are you...?" Louis asked softly since he just woke up.

Harry grabbed him and stuffed him in a big hug that held his entire body. Since Louis was petite and Harry had a big build, Louis fit perfectly in his arms like a child.

Harry started shaking and Louis wasn't sure why at first, but then realized Harry was crying...

Harry was crying.

The big bad wolf was crying.

Over Louis.

"Harry..? Why are you crying..?" Louis asked slowly pulling away even though he was comfortable in the beast's arms.

"I-it's just I-I didn't want to hurt you," Harry hiccuped and his eyes were puffy and his nose a cute shade of red. This was so weird for Louis to see such a dominant man at a weak moment... "it's just it was a full moon last night a-and I couldn't help it. I didn't know it would be, I guess I forgot. I needed to eat and I had to stay away from you. That's why there was blood on my face...I had gone out to heal but then the full moon made me....wild" Harry said looking down ashamed with watery eyes.

Louis understood now why Harry was acting weird. The puzzle pieces were clicking together, and Louis wasn't upset or mad. He felt bad for Harry...

"Louis I'm so sorry I should have come home this morning. It's just I wasn't in the right state of mind. I know nothing I say will be able to make anything I did right, but I'm so sorry Louis," Harry took Louis's hands holding them looking him in the eye "please forgive me.."

Louis just softy smiled and hugged Harry wrapping his small arms around Harry's neck.

"It's ok my big bad wolf. I'm still your little lamb." Louis said hugging the wolf even tighter.

And Louis felt Harry wrap his arms around him back.





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