My Feelings Are Real (A RocRoyal Love Story/ jacob Latimore)

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~Trey POV~

I woke up this morning tired as ever since I had to do both my homework and chresanto's(roc) homework or I was gonna get my ass beat AGAIN!!!! I also had to make sure my baby brother Jaden who is 3 years old was washed up , fed and layed down to sleep. Life for me is hard . I Have an older brother named Craig(prodigy) . he's 3 months older than me. Back to the point , I got up out of bed and took a 30 minute shower , brushed my teeth, put on clothes , and did my hair. I wore Black shorts and a stripped tee with my black converse. I straightened my hair and put on my black snapback that said Trey on the front of it. When I was done I walked into jaden room and woke him up.

me: jay get up

jaden: is it time to go to school

me: yes

jaden:( gets up) ill be right bwak

Me: ight munchkin

jaden: bye Strawberry

I called him munchkin cause he is little and he calls me strawberry cause everyday I come home with a bright red face from being hit but he doesn't know that. he just sees my face is red. anywhore he brushed his teeth, brushed his head, put on his clothes and washed his face. He wore kahki pants, red converse and a red polo shirt. My baby got swag . we walked out the door grabbing our backpacks with us. I walked him to his preschool and started heading to mine.

|| At School ||

I walked into the school and immediantly got walked to my locker. I opened it and grabbed my books, my pencils , and my glasses. I sit in the back of the class room and I cant see really well from far away so I wear glasses. I was closing my locker when Chresanto and his crew walked over to me including my brother. Craig.

Chresanto: you got our homework

me: what

Chresanto : do you got our homework

me: you said just do urs and mine

Chresanto: no I didn't

me: yes you did

Chresanto: no I didn't

me: yes you DID

Chresanto: ( slaps my face extremely hard) NO THE FUCK I DIDNT

me:( crying and rubbing my face )

I looked at craig and he didnnt do anything. he just mouthed "im sorry " and I stared at him while I cried and walked away. I ran to the roof of the school where the garden is . that's where I hide. I sat on the bench and cried because I had a an abusive bully and a careless brother. I was crying when I heard someone take a seat next to me on the bench.

???: are you okay

me: why does it matter to you

???: because im not like the others

me: who are you anyway

???: Jacob Latimore .. we take all our classes remember.

me: oh yea ... well im fine ( removes my hands)

Jacob: you have a red mark on your face

me: I know

Jacob: ( grabs my hand) common we gotta fix that

me: ( gets up and walks with him )

we walked to the bathroom and he cleared my face. I never actually knew he cared. I thought he was like the rest. guess I was wrong.

Jacob: Common we gotta get to class

me:( gets off the sink ) let's go

we walked to class and sat next to each other. He made me laugh smile and blush all day. I was happy until lunch time.

My Feelings Are Real (A RocRoyal Love Story/ jacob Latimore)Where stories live. Discover now