William Matthews Part 4

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It had been a while since Fiore and Will had met face to face. She'd disappeared when she'd gone into treatment. Now that she was back, she wanted more than ever to be in the limelight and to start making a difference. It wasn't something that went unnoticed.

Occasionally Will would call her, but for the most part, Fiore only talked to him when it was convenient for her. She let him know that if she wasn't his priority, then he was off her radar. This drove him mad. He wanted what he couldn't have.

Fiore's reputation had grown. She lived her life in full view of the world. She'd become a mogul, a fashion icon, a force of reckoning to anyone who dared to stand in her way. Fiore wasn't a typical teenager and she loved it. Since she'd been back, she'd earned a place on her father's boards. She was slowly gaining power. She could bend the king's ear and he often counseled her. Fiore found her niche in party planning. Everyone wanted to be invited to her events. If Fiore was throwing a party, you wanted to be on the list.

Fiore purposely was selective. She excluded people who had annoyed her, if she wanted them to bend to her will, or just to show her power. Fiore had blossomed under the pressure and while the weight might have crushed a normal person, she'd been forged into a diamond.

Will phoned Fiore and she happened to be available.

"Well, look who it is."

"And she actually answers her phone? That is a miracle."

"What can I do for you Will?"

"When are you planning on inviting me to your fun?"

"Why should I?" Fiore teased.

"Well, I'm your favorite for starters." Will charmed and Fiore laughed.

"Oh darling, you're delusional. You're not feverish are you? Have you hit your head?"

"Come on, Fi. I'm going to be in London next week. Let me be your date. I can make it worth your while."

"How so?"

"Come on, baby." Will coaxed.

"Will, I might let you come, but I already have a date."

"Who is he?"

"Well, he's devastatingly handsome, tall, dark hair, brilliant, American,"


"God no! I said devastatingly handsome."

"Do I know him?"


"Is he famous."


"Is he in business?"




"Good for you, Fi. We'll see who you go home with."

"So we shall.  Good day."  Fiore hung up.  Her father was sitting across from her watching her as they flew to Dublin. 

"Who are you tormenting now?"

"A fool of course."

"Just be careful, not everyone likes being a puppet on a string."

"Oh Father, puppets don't know they're puppets.  That's why they dance." Fiore giggled back.

"Sounded like someone begging for one of your invitations."

"It was."

"I'm proud of you.  You've done so much in so short a time.  You have her brilliance and beauty and my cunning."

Fiore shrugged.  "Well, it runs in the family." Fiore muttered, her mood now thoroughly soured.  She hated being compared to her mother.  She hated that she could barely remember anything about the woman at all. 

"Well, always leave them wanting more, my dear.  Then the world will never get enough of you."

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