Attack Dog

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"That movie was stupid." Fiore groaned and Ian nodded. 

"It was so mushy." Ian complained.

"It was a beautiful love story." Christine argued.  "They loved each other and they just wanted to be together."

"Gross." Fiore laughed. "I don't know about you, but giving up everything you want for someone else to love you is stupid."

"Your highnesses, Fiore," the trio was stopped by security. "There's a media frenzy outside. You will be taken one at a time out to the car. Security is already inside."

Christine sighed and Ian just rolled his eyes.

"Do they have to do this every time?" Fiore groaned.

"Ian, we'll take you first." 

Ian was led by security through the overzealous group.  Cameras flashed, people shouted, it was like he was a rock star.  Honestly, he was just Ian.

Suddenly five reporters burst through the door.  Cameras flashed right I'm Christine's face and questions were being asked.  Security was on them in a moment, but Christine, already emotional from the movie started crying. 

Fiore lost her temper.  She angrily snatched two of the cameras and smashed them on the ground.  "You don't do that!" She snapped as she grabbed Christine by the wrist and led her to the loo.  "Don't worry about them.  They're stupid anyway." Fiore soothed. 

"You smashed their cameras."

"Yes, I did."

"Don't you think you'll get in trouble?"

Fiore shrugged.  "Who knows?  Besides, I'm always in trouble.  What they did is worse."

Fiore called Christine down and then led her back out.  By the time she'd calmed down the scene had been contained and Fiore and Christine were led to the car and joined Ian. 

Much to Fiore's surprise, when got home she wasn't so much in trouble as she was made to understand the sort of consequences that can come from her actions.  Her Uncle Henry had called her into his office when he returned to the palace and had a few articles with him.

"Fiore, you have to understand people will always frame you in whatever way sells the most papers.  I understand why you did what you did, but do you see what can happen?"

Fiore saw herself on the front of multiple tabloids and a few papers.

The Royal Attack Dog?

Fiore felt like she'd been slapped.  "Why are they doing this?"

"Because they can.  Fiore, you are not my daughter, so there are certain things they can say against you that they can't say against Ian or Christine.  At the same time, because you are not my daughter, you do not have to rely on the public opinion.  You are in a precarious situation, you can use it to your benefit if you choose to."

"How do I do that?"

"You start by not letting them win.  Do you know who you are?"


"And do the people who wrote this rubbish know you?"


"Exactly.  You're still the same you that you were before this printed.  You can use this to your advantage.  You just have to figure out how."

Fiore nodded.  "Why is everyone calling me the attack dog?"

"Because it sells paper.  We both know you were protecting Christine.  What else does an attack dog do?  You could choose to own the title and not let it own you."

Fiore nodded.  "What do I do, Uncle?"

Henry smiled at his niece.  "You show them who you really are."

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