William Matthews Part 1

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Fiore was watching the room. She was more bored than anything. Her father had dragged her to an event. She was wearing an uncomfortable, albeit stunning gown that had been made just for her. Normally, Fiore would be beside herself getting to be in New York, but instead she was being shown off by her father. She hated it. She wasn't a trinket or bauble. She was a person and she'd carved out a name for herself.

At fifteen, she'd embraced and utilized the title the public had given her for three years now. It was been an enlightening time in her life and Fiore found new and exciting ways to use it to her advantage. Whether that meant bullying her way onto lists and into closed doors or keeping things private at all costs. Her reputation had grown and she enjoyed the fact that she was allowed to broadcast her temper. Her uncle kept her in line, but barely. He seemed to be the only one she answered to.

Fiore's father came over with a boy about her age trailing behind him.  "Fiore, this is William Matthews, his mother is on one of our boards.  Entertain him."

Fiore rolled her eyes but pushed herself off the wall.  "Are you as bored as I am?"


"Are you one of those spoiled little prats that annoy the ever loving shit out of me?"

"Are you one of those hoity toity British snobs?"





"Wanker.  You must be new to this." Fiore sighed.  "Do you know who I am?"

"What makes you so important?" Will demanded.

"Well I've made headlines more than once, put it that way."

"Why?  Caught sleeping around?"

"Hardly.  I'm more likely to stab you then sleep with you.  Lord knows that's especially true for you."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means you aren't attractive.  Honestly, you aren't pretty enough to be talking to me."

"You're not exactly a prize yourself."

"Then you apparently are blind too."

"What's that mean?"

"That I'm fucking gorgeous."

"Pft." Will rolled his eyes.  "I hate being dragged to these things."

"Me too."

"What's your name again?"


"What do you do?"

"Whatever I bloody well please."

"Except now?"

"I got a trip to New York for attending this stupid party.  My father just wants to show me off."


"Because I'm a reflection of him.  It's a load of bull.  It's now he pretends he's actually a parent."

"Want to get out of here?"

"With you?"

"No, with the gross old people."

"And go where?"

"Wherever, we're in New York after all."

Fiore looked around. "It's better than being here, even if it means I'm stuck with you."

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