Chad and Fiore Part 2

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Fiore was snuggled deep in Chad's embrace.  It was nice to be held.  It was usually a luxury she didn't allow herself because that was how people catch feelings.  It was far too late for that.

"What are you thinking about?" Chad asked, his deep voice vibrating around his chest. 

Fiore smiled.  "How much I'm enjoying this."

"Oh?" Chad chuckled as he kissed the top of Fiore's head.  "How much?"

Fiore let out a soft laugh.  She tilted her head up to look him in the eye.  Those beautiful, caring, compassionate, crystal blue eyes.  "I don't usually cuddle.  By morning I'm usually long gone.  Let alone lounging around half the day."

"Why?" Chad asked as his arms rubbed up and down Fiore's.

"Sex is great, but this, it's almost more intimate." Fiore admitted.  She leaned up to give Chad a chaste kiss on the lips. 

"I've never thought about it that way," Chad pondered.  "I've always thought sex was the intimate part."

"It's a physical act.  But fucking is just that."

"Don't call it that."

"What?  Fucking?"

"Yes.  That's not what we do.  At least not to me." Chad's hand went to Fiore's chin and his fingers traced her face.  "I make love with you, you have to know that."

"Chad, please don't fall in love with me." Fiore asked quietly, pulling away and not looking him in the eye.

"Why?  Would that really be so bad?"

Fiore sighed and sat up.  "Yes."  Fiore felt completely at ease around Chad and that was dangerous.  "I'm going to hurt you."

"What makes you so sure?"

"Because Chad, I'm not a good person.  If you want someone to destroy someone, I'm your girl.  If you want to blackmail and extort someone, that I can do.  But love?  It's not who I am.  You're good.  You're sweet and kind.  A gentleman, thoughtful and compassionate.  You want more for others than for yourself," Fiore was cut off as Chad interrupted her with a kiss.

"Fiore," Chad breathed.  "You should stop thinking the worst of yourself.  We all see how hard you work.  You are selfless in a way most people don't understand."  Chad combed his fingers through Fiore's hair.  "You would do anything, anything for us and we know it.  You're the one who's always watching out for us.  Like when you helped Christine pick up the pieces when Greg went to America?  Or how you helped Juliet learn how to work in our world?  You've helped Ian and Lana  how many times?  You've helped me pick up the pieces more times than is fair.  Fiore, you're incredible.  How do you not know that?"

"Chad, I'm not good enough for you.  You are what's right in the world and I am the nitty gritty.  I've done terrible things.  And I'll continue to do awful things to keep us safe."

"You don't have to."

"But I do.  If I don't, things happen like what happened with Logan and Lana, or that bitch Amelia, or the psycho Chase.  If I don't stop them, then who?"

"You can't blame yourself for that." Chad soothed as he cupped her cheek and his thumb rubbed over her cheekbone.

"And who's fault was it then?"

"Logan's and Amelia's and Chase's.  It's unfair for you to hold yourself accountable for someone else's actions.  Fiore, you can't control everyone."

"Chad, I can't keep having this conversation.  Can we drop it?"

Chad sighed but nodded.  As Fiore started getting settled back in his embrace, her phone started ringing.  "Ignore it."

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