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Fiore chose to go back to school, but she'd bargained with Roderick.  She'd offered to try apprenticing over holiday.

When Fiore returned to school, she'd had to deal with the normal crap and then some.  She had to remind them who she was.  She got into more fights than ever before and Fiore felt too different from her peers now.

"So, how was rehab?" Marissa Crestview announced just as Fiore was settling in on her first day back.

"You tell me, pill popper." Fiore shot back, her tone casual.

"Come on, Fiore, there's only three reasons you were gone for a year. Either you were in rehab, they institutionalized you, or you got yourself knocked up. Which is it?"

"As usual, that pitiful thing you call a brain has come to the wrong conclusion. Shocking. But don't worry about it too much, no one pays a trick to think."

"Shut your whore mouth."

"Look, take that dildo out of your ass, sit down, and quit being a twat."

"Tell us where you were! What drugs are you on?"

"I could ask you the same question you crazy, little, cunt-faced douche nozzle."

"Screw you, Fiore."

"No thanks, I don't want herpes."

Eventually Marissa  sat down when she realized Fiore wasn't going to give her the reaction or the answers she wanted and another girl who was friendly with Fiore sat beside her. "So, will you tell any of us where you really were?"

"Sure, I've been traveling around the world. My father is helping me get ready to take over the family business. But people like Twat-Faced McFingerbang over there just want to see people fail." Fiore's eyes landed on Marissa. "But some people peak at our age. It must be so depressing to know that in two years time you'll be squeezing out some bastard's kid who probably won't even marry you, and you'll just be a charity case. People will pity you. I'll laugh as you suffer because you're an insufferable priss."

"At least I'm not a dog like you."

"Jealous that I'm actually useful? Or that the King loves me? Or that Ian and Christine are my best friends? Or is it just the fact that you know my family just bought out your family's last hotel and you're about to be sent to the poor house?"

Marissa paled and her eyes narrowed. Fiore knew she'd hit the nail on the head with that last one.

"If you want to keep your family employed, you might want to show your new boss some respect."

"Your father owns it not you."

"Who do you think persuaded him to buy it? It's prime real estate. We could always tear it down. Now I think you need to show me some respect."

"In your dreams."

"Well then, since you can't be bothered with respect and this place hasn't seen fit to teach you manners, I'll make it my personal mission to bring you down."

Fiore spent the next few weeks reestablishing her grip on the school and reminded everyone who she was. She'd already been in the headmaster's office for throwing an unauthorized party and turning the senior hallway into a slip and slide.

"Fiore, I know how brilliant you are and how brilliant you think you are.  Believe me, there is a difference." Headmaster Bolton lectured.  "I understand that you have other endeavors outside of our classrooms but that does not give you the right to behave like a wild animal."

"Wild animal?  I do believe my nickname is attack dog." Fiore shot back. 

"Fiore, I understand what you went through last year, and while I sympathize-"

"Headmaster," Fiore interrupted.  "With all due respect, you have no idea what I went through last year.  Nor do you have any idea what goes through the minds of sixteen and seventeen year old girls.  You handle your problems as you see fit, and I will do the same."

"This isn't a negotiation, Fiore."

"Oh but it is.  All of life is a negotiation.  Either we are being mutually beneficial or you are in my way.  Tell me, headmaster, which is it?"

"Fiore, unlike the other sixteen and seventeen year olds, you cannot bully me."

"Bully?  That's not the right word and we both know it.  Headmaster, as you know my family is second to none.  I now control 48% of those assets.  What makes you think I can't bring ruin to your house?  I can and will get my way, it's just a matter of if you will be an ally or a casualty."

Fiore negotiated time out of school for business, and maintained both her grades and social standing.  She managed to buy off everyone around her.  There was no denying her genius and she studied people to no end.  She understood how they functioned better than most.  Fiore would not be denied.  In her final two years she'd managed perfect marks and had created an empire.  Her family's name had grown from impressive to monumental.  Despite her age, Fiore could hold her own against seasoned veterans and even they eventually conceded to follow  her.

By her nineteenth birthday, Fiore was an icon.  The fashion industry followed her, businesses modeled strategy after her, and she even consulted for companies if the price was right.  Her niche was still parties and she often fundraised for her own charity and her favorites.

Fiore was one of the few who not only withstood the pressure, but she thrived under it. She'd been pressed and pressured and had come out the other side a true diamond.

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