Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Wow, the movie 'Me Before You' is amazing. It is funny, but at the same time it's really sad! I did not expect that ending! I never cry at movies, unless an animal dies, but I was choked most of the way through it and I shed a tear!

(Niall - 11 weeks pregnant)



It was a couple of days later when Louis woke up alone, his three Mates at work. He was usually fine whenever he was home alone, able to do whatever he wanted and spend hours on the internet without being judged by Marcel that it would ruin his eyes. Who was he to talk?

However, it didn't feel okay with his Mates away at the moment. He wanted them, desperately. He had woken up earlier than he usually would, his stomach rolling and sweat beading off him. He curled around the duvet, burying his face in the pillow to his right, Harry's scent coming off the pillow as he slept on it the night before, but there was still the faint scents of Marcel and Edward from previous nights. He groaned as the pain didn't lessen and finally he felt his throat constricting and he was jumping out of bed. Which would have been faster, in hindsight, if the duvet hadn't decided to tangle around his legs. When the Omega picked himself up off the floor, he had to drag the duvet behind him, reaching the toilet just in time to throw up everything he'd had the night before.

When he'd finished, he sat down, wrapping the duvet around him. It took a few moments of deep breathing to pick himself up and stumble over to the sink, brushing his teeth and wiping his mouth with the cool facecloth. He didn't like the pale complexion he saw in the mirror, tears glittering on the Omega's cheeks.

There were two possibilities of what was wrong. He walked downstairs to the wall-phone, dialling Niall's number.


"It's okay, Lou," Niall tried to comfort his friend when he finally arrived at the Styles' home. "You just have to pee on it."

Louis rolled his eyes with a sad smile, wiping his tears away again. "It's not how you do it, Niall, that's scaring me. It's the result. What if the triplets don't want a baby?"

"Louis," Niall scoffed, "I am pretty sure they want nothing more at the moment than you pregnant."

"I'm scared, Niall."

"Of course, it's scary. This is what you want, right?"

"Of course."

"And the triplets want this as well. Everything is always fine in the end, what I've always told you. You should really start listening to me."

Louis nodded firmly and took the box from Niall's hands, locking the bathroom door behind him.

Half an hour later, Louis and Niall were sitting on the bathroom floor, five pregnancy tests spread out in front of them.

Positive plastic pee-sticks.

"Don't tell anyone," Louis whispered.


A couple of days later, Louis still hadn't told his Mates that he was expecting. He was still, unfortunately, throwing up, and had refused to let Marcel examine him countless times, all three triplets worried for the fragile Omega.

Louis didn't want to tell them – he was scared of how they would react. However, he hadn't really thought as far as when he started getting really big, not just a firm, wee belly. How would he explain it when he started pushing out the kid?

Louis shook his head of his thoughts and sighed, getting back to preparing dinner. His Mates had just gotten home and were changing into relaxed, comfy clothes.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now