Chapter 30

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Louis: Amber?

Louis: Please reply, I have something to ask you.

Louis: I promise it will be quick

Amber: What now

Louis: I'm so sorry 

Louis: I love you so much Amber. I have for a while. Amber, I miss you. Your brilliant blue eyes, your flawless smile, the way you cover your mouth when you laugh, the way you blush when I compliment you, the way you look to the ground when you're embarrassed

Louis: I love every perfect part of you

Amber: Louis...

Louis: please, can we make this right?

Amber: louis i don't know anymore

Louis: Please Amber

Amber: I don't know what to think anymore Louis

Amber: I can't do it Louis

Louis: Amber....

Amber: Louis....

Louis: so we're over?

Amber: No... yes.... maybe.... idk

Louis: ...

Amber: to be honest

Amber: I guess we are over

Louis: Amber please

Louis: Give me another chance

Amber: I don't think I can

Amber: I can't, we'll never work out

Louis: Do you think we'll ever see each other again?

Amber: You want the honest answer

Louis: Yes

Amber: oh shucks my flight is boarding

Louis: Amber can we say goodbye properly?

Amber: To answer your question by the way

Amber: I don't think we'll ever meet again

Louis: Amber?

Louis: AMBER

Louis: Amber please answer

Louis: Urgh now I'm crying

Louis: Amber

Louis: Amber please answer me now 

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Louis: I love you so much (undelivered)


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