Chapter 24

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I wake up to a blinding light from my window, shining through my room. I cover my head with the pillow beside me, which I just so happen to slip from under Louis' head.

I look to the left and him and he is lying there, giving me an unimpressed look. I laugh at him, covering my face from him this time.

Suddenly I feel someone try to tickle me on my waist, but I don't even flinch. Yeah, I'm not ticklish at all.

"Damn, I expected you would be ticklish." He says, sitting up and towering over me. I cover half of my face with the pillow, leaving my forehead and eyes exposed.

He looks me in the eye and smiles at me. I smile back but he can't see it, because the pillow is covering my face.

"Well, how about we go brush our teeth and we'll go down for breakfast." I suggest and Louis nods, following me to the bathroom. I give him a spare toothbrush and we brush our teeth. 

The moment I walk out, I decide the bed looks comfortable so I go and plant myself under the covers again and relax. Louis sits beside me.

"Hey Amber?" Louis asks and I turn to him. I indicate for him to continue by letting out a 'hm'. "I got you something for your birthday." He said and I nearly jumped in shock.

God I forgot it was my birthday today. How did I forget it was my birthday? I am literally the most excited girl there is on my birthday and I usually jump up and down for weeks preparing for it. I don't know what got into me.

Louis did.

Ok mind, that sounded wrong on so many levels. And yes. I like Louis Tomlinson, I figured that out just before we fought and we were sitting in the rain. I just dropped that bomb on you, sorry!

"Well, here it is." He says, handing over a box, wrapped in what seems to be oreo wrappers. "Remember when we texted the oreos?" He says and I laugh.

"Oh my god." I say, laughing and mentally facepalming. I open the box, peeling away the wrapping paper inside.

I cover my mouth in shock when I see a beautiful silver watch, laid down, covered in red wrapping paper.

I turn to Louis, who was now holding a bunch of red roses, with one white one. "There's always one in a crowd who stands out. That one's you." He says, handing over the roses. 

"Omg thank you so much!" I say, giving him a hug. No one's ever done something so nice for me, ever. I can't believe the amount of thought that he put into the present. "You know you didn't have to do something so big."

"Anything for you love." He says and I smile, letting go of him. "Oh and there is one more present."

"Oh my god Louis, you've spent too much already." I say and Louis chuckles.

"Trust me, just close your eyes." He says and I roll my eyes before closing them. For a few seconds he doesn't tell me to open them until he does something completely unexpected.

I feel his lips against mine. Yes I said it right. Louis was kissing me.

I smell his cologne in my nose, but it's not overpowering, it's that sweet perfect amount. I pull him closer to me, deepening the kiss. My heart pounding in my chest, I can hear Louis' as well. I slowly lost myself in his peppermint breath and soft lips.

Just as quickly as it started, it ended when the door of my room swung open, bringing me back to my surroundings. 

"Amber! Get up it's your birthda... Oh hi Louis." Mum says as she swings open the door. 

Forgetting that she was here all along, I nearly scream. 

She chuckles and begins to leave, but not before adding, "You guys better not be doing anything worse than what I just saw." 

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