Chapter 15

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Chapter 15:

Louis: I'm outside

That was the text that was going to save my life from the monster of a woman, Josephine.

I walk out with my head held high people parting from the hallway as I walk past. Nope I'm joking. I kept my head low and tried to push through the crowd to reach the front gate.

I pull out my coke from the pocket of my bag it was in and take a big sip of it. I look around and then I see him.

Louis waves at me and I wave back. He runs towards me and lifts me up and spins me around. Nobody seem to notice his presence until then as he's been covering his face.

"What the hell Louis?" I ask, just before people realize who he is.

Tonnes of kids crowd around us, squealing and asking Louis for autographs. I always did know that there were a lot of directioners here, but I didn't know there were this many.

They all pester Louis for autographs and photos. Louis kindly gives it to them, taking many selfies with his crazy fans.

At one point Kelly, a disabled girl in my school took a picture with him and you could see how happy she was.  I smiled at her and she grinned back, taking her polaroid camera and wheeling herself away.

It must be great being a celebrity sometimes must be great, meeting all the amazing fans around here.

Unlike someone known as Josephine.

"Move out of the way peasants." A loud voice calls out and the crowd parts and the one and only Josephine walks through the crowd. 

Speak of the devil, they say?

She sees that I'm there next to him and scrunches her nose.

"Hey, I'm Josephine." She introduces and cuts him off, batting her eyelids before he says anything. "Now first things first, why are you hanging out with a dork like this one? She snaps and Louis looks offended.

Shouldn't I be the offended one?

She gives him a sweet evil smile and I scrunch my nose up at her first greeting. Who the hell greets someone with an insult?

Josephine, that's who.

"I'm sorry, but this dork is standing right here." I point out and she scoffs and gives me a 'shut it' look.

Louis gives me a sideways, 'we'll get through this' grin.

"Now, can I get an autograph! I love you guys so much!" She says and and pulls Louis in for a hug, which he awkwardly refuses.

She gives him a confused look.

"I'm sorry, but from what I've heard, and seen, you are really horrible to Amber." He says and cue the heart melting.

Aw, Louis cares about me. How cute!

"Aw Boo-Bear I'm not! She must be lying." She says innocently, batting her eyelashes again.

The nerve of this girl. Oh my god.

"I'm sorry, but if you're mean to Amber, I don't think I will really appreciate what you say to me." Louis snaps back and I see Josephine's little heart shatter.

Oh my god Josephine! Who would have guessed that someone cares about me?!

"You're acting like she's your girlfriend or something." She shouts at him. Sheesh woman, calm down.

"What if she is my girlfriend." Mentally my mouth drops as if I actually dropped it, it would be less believable. Josephine however, had her mouth open wider than a garage. "Close your mouth hun, or you'll catch flies."

Oh! Epic burn Louis!

"You're so stupid!" She directs at me. "And you!" She says to Louis. "You are so much better in the fanfics."

"Oh no you didn't!" Louis says, trying to run up to her to give her a sass attack, but I hold him back by the collar of his shirt.

I pull him along with me and walk off towards his car, him placing his arm on my shoulder. I secretly smile to myself and continue walking.

Louis opens the door open for me as I get in. Such a gentleman. I thank him and he hops in on the other side.

"Where shall we go young lady?" He asks and I laugh, telling him to go anywhere he likes. That was a very quick cool down from Louis mad to Louis calm. Is it just me thinking that?

Bipolar hottie.

Just as we drive off I turn on my mobile data and about a thousand notifications come from twitter. Many were like:

scarletlouiskevin- OMG, You lucky little butt! Louis follows you!?!!?!

dorothy_stylesOTP - Why the heck did Louis pick you up from school. I'm obviously more worthy!

Louislovesharry_styles - God girl! You're sooooo lucky!!! I ship you guys so much 

_BestSongAva_ - You guys are like goals! I wish I had someone like that in my life.

Queen_Josephine - Who the f do you think you are Amber? Why would he want to go with a little nobody like you? You're not jack s***

I take out my phone and respond to Josephine's hate comment.

amber_tomlinsoniscool - @queen_josephine yeah, I'm not worth it am I? Explains why he completely rejected u after school and drove me home. Gg Jos.

I reply to her and wait for her to reply back to me again. My phone dings again and it's just someone else congratulating me. After about 5 dings later, Josephine replies.

Queen_Josephine - @amber_tomlinsoniscool Go kill yourself, you're not worth it.

My eyes widen at her comment. Do people really view me like this? Am I not worth it? Sure I may be a pest sometimes but this is horrible to say to someone.

It wasn't funny or even offensive for her to say something like that. At one point I was diagnosed with clinical depression. It has gone down dramatically, but that doesn't make me any less vulnerable to having it come back again.

I don't bother responding and Louis sees that I've shut up for a long time.

"You ok there love?" He asks as we stop at the red light.

I look up at Louis, my eyes a little blurry from the tears that were forming.

"Louis, if I wasn't here anymore, would anyone care?" I  ask him and he gives me a pitiful face in confusion.

"What do you mean? Of course! I would miss you, the guys would. I'm sure Diana and your adoption parents would care!" He says.

I stay silent for a bit until the signal turns green and Louis starts driving off again.

I look at him as he drives.

No one would care. I'm just a nobody like Josephine said. No one would even realise, let alone care. No one cares about unknown little Amber.

No one will even know.

"No Louis. I'm not ok." I say, answering his question as he turns onto the road of his house.

Omg poor Amber :'(

I'm sorry for the sad chapter, but this is going to be important for the story (i think)

Plus I hate the new wattpad update like wth

Anyways, hope you enjoyed the update and stay with me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will try and update at least every 1-2 days. (A lot more often than many authors ;) )

Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love ya 

From Lord <3

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