Chapter 21

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Amber: Louis

Amber: Louis

Amber: Louis please answer me

Amber: Louis please

Amber: Louis I'm sorry ok? I'm sorry for friken lying to you

Amber: I can't believe our whole friendship is gone because of this

Amber: Louis please

Amber: I miss you 

Amber: I swear to god, if you've blocked me

Amber: Louis please

Amber: I'm gonna have to spam you with emojis!

Amber: No?

Amber: No reply?

Amber: Louis plz I s2g

Amber: I can't leave you

Amber: It says you've read the messages please reply ;(

Amber: Louis remember those girls in school?

Amber: Maybe they're right, maybe you don't deserve a weirdo like me

Amber: No one does

Amber: I can't believe I thought someone would want me to be their friend

Amber: Of course, like always I'm not worth it

Amber: And I know you're reading these because it says u are

Amber: And that just goes to show that I should have listened to them when they first told me 2  leave this world

Amber: I thought about it once, but my parents took me to a doctor and I decided against it

Amber: I regret that decision so much

Amber: If I had just ended it then, neither of us would be upset, everyone would be fine. The world would go round

Amber: I'm not wanted here, no one would care if I left

Amber: You apparently wouldn't either.

Amber: Sorry for the spam, I know you won't like it but no one likes anything I do

Amber: That's it I give up on you and the world

Amber: Bye Louis, I doubt we'll meet again.

Louis: Wait!

Oooohhh cliffhanger. Sorry for not updating, haven't had time, and I didn't want to add any extra to this chapter to stop it from becoming too spoilerish and long on carrying on.

Thanks for reading bruhs


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