Chapter 19

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Louis is so adorable *_*


I said previously that she is referring to her caretakers as her parents because it's easier and they are like family to her. She's one of those lucky ones to have a great family on here because many books I read on wattpad, the caretakers are poop.

Louis' POV

"You seriously showed your butt to the principal?" She asks, laughing her head off in the heavy rain. Amber and I gave up on walking home with all the wind and rain in our face, so we're sitting on a wet bench, completely sopping wet.

And to be honest it's not that bad. Especially when you're with Amber. She makes everything better.

"Yup. Got suspended too." I add and we both fall over laughing. Metaphorically that is. 

I'm still trying to build up courage to tell Amber how I feel, because what if she only likes me as the Louis who sings all over the world, one of the 5 members of one direction? What if she doesn't like me for the football loving, fun guy Louis?

But I do remember once she mention she loved how funny I was in the video diaries. And how I am down right hilarious. Because I am, much modesty there.

I turn my head and look at her beautiful blue eyes, her brown hair sticking to her face in the rain. Cliche as it is, I just want to kiss her here and now.

She looks back at me and pokes her tongue out which I respond to by copying. She giggles and kicks a pebble on the floor.

Amber, why are you so beautiful.

"Really?" She says, blushing. Oh shoot, I said that out loud. I mentally yell at the little minions working my mind and grin at her, going with the flow.

"Yeah Amber. You are stunning." I pretend that I was meant to say it all along. Dang Daniel I'm smooth today. Smooth talking my way to glory.

"Thanks." She takes a pause. "Couldn't say the same about you though." She jokes and I shove her shoulder subtly as she laughs. I pout my lip and frown like an angry child.

Wow, she really does bring out the immature side of me.

She copies the action and pouts her lip, much to my disadvantage.

Amber, stop it, I'm only going to want to kiss you more.

"Jokes, you're pretty, pretty boy." She says and laughs.

After that, there's a pause, but it's not an awkward silence. It's a comfortable pause in which I find a lot of thinking can take place.

And that's rare for my little brain.

"I know this may be the most cliche thing in the entire world but.." I cut off my own words by leaning in to kiss her.

Amber's POV

  "I know this may be the most cliche thing in the entire world but.." I have no idea what he's talking about but after he says that, he leans in, probably to kiss me when a gust of wind blows and he quickly perks up.

A tree branch falls mere inches away from us and I scream in shock and instinctively grab hold of his arm.

Darn it, just as we were getting to the best part. I can't help but think if he was actually trying to kiss me or I'm just jumping to conclusions.

"I think we should get out of here." Louis says, pulling my arm with him as we both started running up the road. I think he forgot that it was slippery as a few metres into running, I slipped over and landed bottom first.

 "Sheesh." I say, wiping myself off a little as we continued to try to get home, speed walking this time.

"Sorry Amber." Louis says with that innocent childish look on his face. I laugh at him as we make our way down the driveway to my unit.

If you're wondering, yes I do have my own unit. I hardly go there because it's smaller than my parent's house and also it gets very lonely. It's fully paid for because it's been in their family for generations.

We walk up the stairs to my unit and I reach into my pocket to get the keys, when I realise something.

They're not there.

"Louis, I can't find the keys." I say and he facepalms.

I start panicking and walking round in circles, thinking where I could have lost them. They could legitimately be anywhere and I have no idea where to look.

Louis tries to calm me down while I go into what I call 'panic mode.' It's basically where I get irritated very easily and I start losing it.

"AMBER LISTEN!" Louis yells and I widen my eyes, looking at him instinctively. "Do your parents have a spare key to the unit?" Louis asks and for once, he actually came up with a good idea.

"Oh my god Louis, you actually thought of something sensible." I laugh as I call up my mum frantically. And for your information, yeah I have a waterproof phone case.

Be jealous that I'm this fabulous.

I quickly dial in Mom's number and wait for her to pick up. After 5 rings she doesn't end up picking up and it goes to the answering machine.

She's probably left it on silent again. Oh no.

"She's not picking up." I say, going into slight panic mode again.

"It's alright. I bet..." Louis is interrupted by the door swinging open, revealing someone I haven't seen in a while, standing at my door step.

"How nice to meet you again." He said. Oh god of all people. Him. 

I don't hesitate to tell him how much I hate him and get straight to the point. "How the hell did you get in my house!" I yell, Louis holding me back from him.

"How about you thank me and come inside? I made apple pie. I know it was your favourite back when you were young." He said smiling, a hint of evil in his eyes.

"You left me, I can't say anything to you anymore after you left me!" I cry, feeling a small hint of salty water dripping down to my lip. He takes a step forward, so he's out of the unit and ahead of the door

Louis stands behind me, looking very confused. 

"Just get out of my house." I yell.

"That's no way to speak to your father." He says, raising his voice, Louis' eyes widening when he mentions being my father.

"Well, the way you treated me was no way to treat your child." I say as I walk past him into the house. "I'm afraid I can hardly call you Dad anymore." I say, pulling Louis with me and slamming the door behind me, frantically rushing to lock it.

Ooooo you all thought her father was dead. This is her real dad btw, not the caretaker. So what did you think of it?

Was her father what you expected to happen?

And what do you think she means by 'he left her' because trust me, it's not going to be the cliche, "Oh you left my mum and me for some other woman."

And how do you feel about their almost kiss?

So much to be answered -rubs hands evilly-

Anyways have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From Lord

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