Left. [Poly!BBS]

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[request for @momocircus ]

"Can you do a poly!Bbs where basically feels likes he's left out and he ignores the group because of that. The group starts to notice and gives him hugs and kisses" 

One of the multiple people living in the house, sat quietly in an empty bed typing away on his laptop. He had music playing quietly so he wasn't in total silence, it helped him work. 

Most of the time. 

Screaming and loud laughter drowned out his music, making him pause it and listen to the group downstairs. He sighed, closing the lid of his computer and walking to the stairs railing and looked down at his boyfriends. 

They were all crowded around on the couch, watching as two of them mashed their fingers on the game controllers. 

"Guys," He called. When they didn't answer, he walked down the stairs, stopping a few steps from the bottom and leaned on the railing there. 

"Guys! I'm trying to work on something, can you keep it down a little?" He asked, watching their heads turns to look at him. They each nodded or waved. 

"Sorry, Marcel." Luke smiled, raising his arm on top of the couch. Marcel merely nodded, walking back upstairs. The whole reason he wasn't joining in on the fun was that he woke up late, and no one really bothered to wake him up. He brushed it off as them not wanting to deal with his crankiness, but still held it against himself in the back of his head.

"It's nothing," He said to himself, settling back onto the bed and pulling the laptop back into his lap. 


Again, Marcel woke up to everyone happily chatting or playing something in the family room. He rolled over to face the wall. By the sounds of the game, he wouldn't be interested anyways, but Marcel would've appreciated the ask. 


"Three times. Three times they've just seemed to have forgotten about me." He yanked at the blankets and covered himself in them. He'd gone into an empty room, one where rarely any more than two used at a time, so him locking himself in there wouldn't be a worry to his boyfriends. He had music playing again, but this time on the loudest possible volume the speakers he had could do. Marcel, ignoring the faint laughs and talking underneath him, tossed around in the bed, having an argument with himself. 

Giving up on trying to sleep any more, he got up and opened the door, forgetting to turn the music off. He quickly walked downstairs, passing by everyone sitting in the living room. Trudging into the kitchen, he pulled open the fridge, grabbing a small beer and wanting going to the cabinets for something to eat next. He closed the fridge, greeted by Tyler standing directly behind it. He jumped, making a noise in the process. 

"Tyler." He said after composing himself again. 

"What's wrong?" Marcel huffed, turning away from him and grabbing an unopened bag of chips form the counter.

"Nothing," Marcel hissed, cracking open the beer and beginning to walk away. 

"Then why are you ignoring us, we've been kind of knocking all day," Tyler crossed his arms, watching as his boyfriend laughed. 

"More like you've been ignoring me. Why should I try and interact if you're just going to leave me out of everything again?" Marcel snapped back, and went stomping up the stairs before Tyler could say anything else. Tyler rubbed his eyes, thinking over everything. 

"Maybe we did kind of leave him out, and he has seemed a little distant at dinner" Someone sighed, making Tyler turn and look at them. 

"Maybe, Brock," Tyler nodded. Brock smiled, pushing himself up off the counter and took hold of Tyler's hand, guiding him back to the living room where everyone else was sitting. 

"We should go make Marcel feel welcomed," Brock quietly to Tyler, watching everything eventually look at them questionably. He grinned, nodding along to Brock's idea as he told him. 

Marcel sat on the floor, back against the door as he had a repeating playlist of songs blasting from the speakers. He had already finished his beer, and now was crushing the sides of the can and twisting it so the thin metal would tear and he could slowly rip it apart. 

"Marcel!" I high voice yelled, right on the other side of the door. He set down the broken can, turning his body so he could listen. 

"What, Lui?" 

"Unlock the door!" 

"Why?" He raised a brow. Suddenly, several loud knocks and bangs hit the door, making Marcel jump back, watching the door shake. He got to his feet and unlocked the door, shakily, but quickly, opening it. 

"Because we love you!" Jon smiled, hugging his waist as everyone soon piled into the small room. 

"What are you-" 

"We noticed we left you out, just wanted to remind you," Brian kissed his cheek repeatedly while he spoke, "that we all love you one hundred percent." 

Marcel let out a laugh as Craig wrapped his arms around his neck, kissing different places on his face. 

"Guys, s-stop it!" Marcel giggled, pushing away Evan and David, who were trying to leave kisses on his neck. Evan grabbed his hands, intertwining his fingers with his, and pulled Marcel into his chest.

"No, because we love you!" He sang out, falling back on the bed as all of their boyfriends hugged or kissed at him. Marcel was in an entire laughing fit now, trying to pull his hands out of Evan's and wiggle out of his lover's arms. 

"Okay- okay! I love you guys too!" He choked out, clearly out of breath. They eventually let go of him, aside from Evan who still held his hands as Marcel sat in the middle of them. 

"One hundred percent." He sighed, setting his head on Tyler's shoulder. He smiled, wrapping his arm around Marcel's waist. They leaned back against the pillows on the bed, letting Marcel get comfortable in the middle. 

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