Smoke. [BasicallyLui]

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Another puff of smoke, another burn in his chest.

He hated parties, he had no idea how Tyler even convinced him to come to one, let alone one that filled an entire apartment building. No one was really on the roof, beside some drunk couple making out in a lawn chair. Lui cocked his head over to glance at them, before rolling his eyes and looking back at the city. He pulled the cigarette back up to his lips for another puff.

"Y'know smoking is bad, right?" A voice laughed as Lui set his arm back on the cement.

Lui cocked a smile and swung his feet. He was sitting over the edge of the building, just watching the sky.

"What's it to you, Marcel?" He laughed, letting out the smoke he held in his throat. The other man walked up beside him and set his elbows on the wall.

"What'cha doing up here by yourself, or..." Marcel glanced over at the couple.

"Not hanging out with someone?" He looked back at him. Lui shrugged.

"Not into parties." He raised his hand back up to his mouth.

"Huh... Surprising to hear that from you. I'd think you'd be all over the chicks here." Marcel joked, looking out to the city along with Lui.

"What made you think that?"

"I don't know, you're just so, out there? Confident? Hell if I know what that felt like," Marcel pushed himself back to a standing position.

"Well, I'll be making my leave, Tyler is probably fighting someone." He chuckled before walking back to the stairs door and going through. Lui watched him go, then looked back the cigarette between his fingers. He swung his legs back over and hopped off the wall.

Lui turned half way and smashed the lighted end of the cigarette on the cement, smearing some ash by accident. He tossed it over the ledge and turned fully on his heels. He followed in suit of Marcel through the door.

"Who said I was into chicks?"

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