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I sigh in annoyance, watching him freely flirt with basically everyone. I know he's not completely sober, and we're not dating, but damn does it drive me crazy watching him do this. He laughs at something our friends say, I'm not really paying attention right now. His hair is slightly messy from him trying so hard to fix it, and his face is a light shade of pink from the alcohol. Giggling far longer than everyone else, he smiles widely at me after catching me looking. Smiling back half heartedly, I down the rest of my drink.


"Huh?" I look to the person who asked for me. Seeing him looking at them also, I stare up at Marcel.

"You okay? You seem a little out of it, do you need to go home a little early?" He asked, but the way he talked and his glances at Evan made me think. I made a face, showing him to explain more. He sighed, and motioned me to follow him over to the bartender's area.

"I know what's up, and I know what's up with Evan," He sighed.

"Wait- wait how-"

"I know a lot of things, Tyler." He grinned for a moment, before continuing.

"Just, take the kid home, he needs it." Marcel gave a quick pat to my shoulder before walking back go the game of darts he was playing with Brian. I looked from him, to where Evan sat with the others. Scrunching up my nose, I made my way back over to our booth.

"Hey, Evan?" He looked to me, his eyes were dazed, but he could still function enough.


"I don't feel well, could I stay over at your place tonight?" I lied, tapping my foot on the wooden floorboards. He looked around at everyone for a moment before giving a shrug.

"Sure, I kind of wanted to go home anyways," Evan stood up, waving to the guys before following me out of the small bar and towards his car. Before he could unlock his door, I gently took the keys from his smaller hands.

"Hey, let me drive, okay? Just relax, you need it." I smiled, lightly shoving him to go to the other side of the car. Once inside, he immediately turned on the radio and settled himself in a comfortable position. I turned the engine on and slowly backed out of the spot, and down towards his apartment.


"Yes, Evan?"

"You feel fine, don't you?"

I smiled, looking over at him. He had his knees up to his chest, his head leaning against the window with one arm under his chin.

"Yeah, kind of. I just wanted to spend some time with 'ya, you know?"

"Sure," Evan smirked, moving in the chair to set his shoulder and head on my arm.

"Well, I'm tired, tell me when we get there?" He looked up at me, I nodded.


"Anything for you, Evan..."

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