Chapter 18: Her Final Goodbye (Third Person POV)

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"Yesterday we said goodbye to the soldiers who died in war but today we say goodbye to someone who was dying for along time and was finally set free from this cruel world and left in peace" Queen Elisabeth says her voice echoing around the hall "Today we say goodbye to Liliafang Rouge"

"Liliafang was a mighty warrior known by all but she also was a girl with a broken heart" Skylar begins "She lost her mother at a young age and lost her father at a younger age and though he is still with us today their bond was never a father daughter one but thats not what I am here to tell you. I am here to tell you about my amazing best friend who still wrote to me when she left. Who went around the world learning things and saving people. Liliafang was not heartless. She was beautiful and she was full of love even though the world seemed to never give her any. But Liliafang was sad and lonely too though she would never admit it to anyone. In some of the letters she wrote to me she was wishing for death or worse. And I wish I had told her more how much I loved her" Skylar couldn't continue as her sobs echoed around the church. The Queen took Skylar in her arms and lead her off stage. Mia and Josh stood up and took her place

"Though we didn't know Fang well it was not hard to tell that something was wrong" Josh says looking around the room "She, as many wolves do, had a mate but he was in love with someone else and pushed her away. We have no way of knowing what would of become of her if he hadn't but we all knew that the pain of that rejection changed her" Josh turned to his beloved and nodded for her to say her piece

"Fang was proud" Mia began "She knew what she wanted and that was to help but she had her own way of doing it. Unlike most bounty hunters Fang didn't asks for payment or even a thank you. She was always thinking of others. Fang wasn't cruel ether. Her judgement of others was always fair but boy did she have a temper. You did not want to be in the way of her when she was mad nor be the reason she was. I do believe that if she was still alive today I would be her friend even if she didn't want me" Mia laughed breathlessly as she and Josh walked of the stage. Someone who no one would think would talk at this final goodbye stood up and walked to the front

"Liliafang was my daughter" John said "And I didn't treat her as such. I thought her as a reminder of what happened to her mother and what I had put them through. She was so independent when I saw her. She was 11 and facing her mothers death but she never shed a tear in front of anyone and I never comforted her like I should of. I shut her out of my life when she needed me. It was probably one of the reasons that my family never really thought of her. I was a terrible father when she came back. Always thinking of something rude to say but Liliafang was beautiful, smart and strong even when she was faced with something horrible. And it took me until now to realize how much I love her" Shocked about his speech a brother and sister stood.

"Liliafang was our sister" Blaze say his eyes red from crying "And she deserved better. She was fantastic When she was young she was always looking for the positive in every situation. Even though she was broken and beaten we all saw her standing strong. I love her"

"Fang was so unlike the Liliafang I knew that when I saw her in the kitchen I didn't recognize her" Julia says "Because The Liliafang I knew was shy and always did what she was told and I looked at this She Wolf standing in my kitchen and saw someone tall and proud, who only listen to her own rules. Fang was Liliafang though because she was still shy and did what she was told but Liliafang was Fang who was tall and proud. Thats the thing I only just realized that she is the same person she was when I know her but she was so much better then that. I didn't like her. I thought that she was nothing to me but she wasn't. She is what I used to wish I was and now I will try my hardest to make her proud" Julia wasn't looking at anyone but the coffin in which Fang was crying for her sister like she never had. Blaze took her hand and they walk of back to their father. Scar was the last to stand

"Fang was strong until the end" He called "Even chained up and injured she never gave up. Even when her mate was with someone else she was determent Even when she was screaming and call for help that would never come Fang still kept her head. Even when her wolf left her alone she never gave in. Even when fighting to many she was always hopeful. Fang was amazing and she will never really die for her courage will life forever" Scar nodded to the King who stood to make the last speech

"Fang was our hero" King Thomas said "She saved my daughter Princess Caroline and she defeated our enemy Alastor. Fang lead our forse to battle and we came out victors. Fang did as many did that day. She gave up her life for us. Even though she was heavily wounded she kept fighting. She had so much to lost and now has lost but she was strong. Our She Wolf and Protecter Fang!" The kingdom called her name. It echoed through out the land into the others as well.

"We will never forget you. Fang"


Thank you guys so much for reading and enjoying The Only One. It was amazing writing for you and though I do not plan for a sequel I do plan to write more. Please do have a look at my story ideas and tell me which one you would like me to start. And as always please vote, comment, and all that jazz. Thanks again

-Lily ;)

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