Chapter 13: You're Not Leaving! (Logan's POV)

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"What!" I yell staring at Fang. "She is a girl and you're putting her in danger!" How could they! She's female. She's delicate. They can't be serious.  

"Are you saying I can't take care of myself" Fang says glaring at me he eyes flashing dangerously.  

"Yes! You're.........weak" I finish lamely. 

"Well its a good thing I'm taking care of her then" Said the boy beside her. His face has a scar covering it but that doesn't doesn't stop him from looking good. Damn him thinking he can protect her.

"And who the hell do thing you are" I say hardly containing my wolf. I don't understand why I am suddenly feeling this way. I've never cared before 

"Why I'm Scar and you can't tell Fang what to do" he says smugly 

"And who the fuck are you calling weak. And I can take care of myself Scar " Fang fumed "I am stronger than you Logan" The way she says my name make my wolf cringe . It was full of hate but I should care less. It was my wolf talking I don't even know why I am here. My wolf growled at me for that one.  

"Fine I don't know why I cared after all I did rejected you" I say and just after I let the sentence out a searing pain in my jaw and suddenly my face made contact with the floor. When I look up I see a very pissed she wolf.

"You dare act like that" She said deadly calm. I watched as her eyes turn into such a dark green that they look almost black. Her wolf had come out "You dare act like that you care and then turn your head"

"He does dare and you're only back her to try and win him back aren't you?" Julia sneers who appeared out of nowhere. How does she know? Oh right I yelled it for the whole kingdom to hear. 

"Why would I came back to someone who enjoys my pain" Fang says her wolf taking over and making her eyes a dark black green. 

"I don't enjoy your pain" I yell at her. My wolf is not liking the way she was talking, she sounds like she hates us"

"Then why where you with Julia while I was near" She almost sobs as if just remembering hurts "You liked knowing that I was crying from the pain. You liked knowing I could feel you loving someone else. " 

"You were in pain?" I say surprised looking closely at her. Can rejection hurt that much? 

"Of course you idiot" Lighting growls "Do you know nothing?!" 

"You know nothing about rejection do you?" Fang says in disbelief looking down at me "Everyday since you rejected me I was in continuos agony, know that you would never want me. It almost destroyed me" She looks away from me. Her eyes clouded with pain and she holds herself close. It was as if she was hoping the univers would swallow her whole. I can't think of anything to say in responds so instead I ask 

"What's your last name?"

"Thats none of your concern" she says snapping out of what ever she was thinking of. Fang turns to once more and glares at me so hard I feel myself sinking into the depth of hell just looking back so I quickly turn away. "We will be going no matter what and if we die it will be our fault" Her shoulders slack after she is done and a maid with bright red hair walk towards her.  

"Miss are you all right" She says looking at her with concern

"I'm fine Amber." She says leaning heavily on the maid " Just take me to my room, please" Amber nods and leads her away leaving me with Julia and Scar. 

"Lets go back to our room" Julia purrs in my ear I smirk know what we will be doing when we get back and as we leave I hear someone yell. I turn and see Scar glaring at us. His glare doesn't hurt like Fang's but it does make me want to run and hide. He is a lot stronger than me and I won't want to piss him off. Looks like I already did though 

"You're disgusting, both of you." He yells before walking off in the direction that Fang went. His footsteps are heavy on the stoned floor

"Come on" Julia says and drags me off to our room where we continue to cause pain to Fang.


I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. I feel sad until I see that there is a note on the bed side table


I went to get some breakfast and you were too adorable to wake up

Love you


I smile thinking of Julia writing this. Once I get out of bed and I am ready to leave a maid walks in. She is quite small but something in her eyes made her look tough. I know the King and Queen hand pick each worker in the castle which is far to much work. I get John to do that and he probably gets someone else to as well.

"Sir, the king wants everyone in the meeting room in five minutes I have come to take you there" She says not meeting my eye

'Well then lead me there" I say impatiently. Honestly for someone who is handpicked she doesn't know a lot about how to do her job well. Her eyes narrow as if she had heard me and then she nods and takes me there. She opens the door for me but fails to announce me. Is everyone stupid here?

I take my seat next to the other Alphas. Soon everyone is here other then Fang and Scar. The King takes his seat at the throne next to the Queen and The Princesses. The King and Queen have two daughters who are lovely girls at the age of 13 and 16.

"This morning Fang and Scar left to the enemy castle" The King starts but his voice fades out for my ears. Fang has left already and she could die if she gets caught. Last night might have been the last time I will ever see her. The thought hits me painfully in the chest as though someone has stabbed me and twisted the knife 

"She's gone!" Lighting howls in misery. He then disappears from my mind. He is probably crying in a corner like a pup.

"Is the plan understood?" I hear King Thomas call out. Shit! They must have been talking while I was pitying mysled

"Understood" Everyone calls back but all that was on my mind was that she was gone and she hates me 

My Mate Hates Me 


Hey so maybe Logan's getting better maybe not. Who can tell. Anyway please Vote, and Comment and all that Jazz

-Lily ;)

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