Chapter 14!!

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Name:Raiden Springman

Looks: wears mostly black

Powers: Shape shifting, limited to animals for appearances. Gains the ability of whatever animal it is. Energy drain, which lets him drain the life forces from any living being, short of the gods themselves

Parent: Thanatos (minor god of death)

 Likes: Heavy metal, black, shadows

Dislikes: Pop, bright colors and sunlight in large amounts

Friends/Other info: Kids of Ares can be considered as friends

Raiden’s POV:

                I woke up to something hitting my window, I jumped up and ran down the stairs of the big house. “What-“I started saying, I noticed that camp looked like it was in the middle of a hurricane. I knew that was impossible. Camp is always sunny, and warm, never like this. Did Thalia’s tree almost die again? What is causing this kind of weather? I tried going outside, but the way the rain was falling felt like I was getting stabbed over, and over again. (Don’t ask me why/how I know this.) I tried looking for Chiron, but I couldn’t really see anything but a few feet around me. So I resorted to yelling. “Chiron! Where are you? What’s going on!”

Alison’s POV:

                I gasped for breath, as wind hit my face, scaring the person next to me. I noticed it was Selena, seeing her ok made me happy. But, what the heck was that wind? And the rain was falling like bombs, it hurt like a hailstorm and kind of looked like it too. I looked down and almost passed out, I saw an arrow sticking out of my chest….. After I got over the shock, I took it out of my chest and pulled myself to my feet frantically looking for Skylar, and the baby. Wait, the baby was in Selena’s arms. I smiled at her and started walking towards the yelling. As I got closer to the yelling the storm got worse.  I asked Selena to hide in a tree (I had to help her into it), and I could practically hear the yelling like it was right next to me. I thought I saw Grover, but what made me scared the most was that in the middle of the storm was Skylar. Her eyes were glowing blue, neon, scary, bright blue. But, nearing the center of the storm was a boy, it looked like he had a shield around him. He didn’t get hit with anything, and all the rain/wind stopped where he stood.

*After Poseidon tells Percy about his other sister*

Percy’s POV:

                 I was running to camp. Dad told me that she would be on near the strawberry fields in the woods. As I got near camp I felt a storm. Then I heard, “So, what are we doing man?” Coming from next to me. Grover looked back at me trying to keep up with me. “Have to stop my sister.” I said, the last part dripping with sarcasm. “Dude, no madder f you dad or your mom told you, you have not only one sister, you have two! And one of them isn’t your half -sister, she’s your full sister! You should be happy!” he panted. “G-man you know all the siblings I needed was Tyson-““Well, you just got two sisters! Be happy! I know I would!” “Well, he should have told me”, I said picking up my pace, running though the strawberry fields. I could see something, or someone at the end of the field, beating a poor kid up. That I saw was John Starglazr, child of Apollo. Ye, gods! Who was beating him? O gods....... It's her. My "Sister".

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