Chapter 3

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 I looked down a Jessica’s face when we finished singing, and saw her asleep.

She won’t be walking up in a while. I looked over at Alison, and saw she was forcing herself to stay awake.  

I slowly set Jessica on her bed, moved the covers so they were covering her, and walked to her bathroom. I opened to door walked in grabbed Mr. Scales from the tub, and walked out of the room.

I walked down the hall into my room opened Mr. Scale’s tank. Then, placed the sleeping snake onto the , and locked to cage. I half walked, and half ran to my bed and jumped on it. I fell asleep thinking, I closed the cage, and locked it.

What happened?


*9 hours and 1 minute later*

I woke up to see the sunlight peeking into my room from my curtains. I slowly pulled myself into a sitting position, and looked at Mr. Scale's tank. He was crawling around his tank.

Then to my surprise  the door bell rang...........................


______________________Just kidding! You can keep reading______________________________

....................The door bell never rang. Ever. who could it be?

I walked down the hall, down the stairs, and up to the door. Everyone else was there getting ready to kick arse. Alison was holding Melody and getting ready to run to the back door.

I smiled, and walked to the door and opened it. I saw a boy, he was about our age, if not older. He saw me, and back smiled. Instead of returning his smile I said, "Who are you, and what do you want?"

He looked at me startled and replied, "Hi, I'm Grover Underwood." holding out his hand.

I looked at him and said, "What do you want?"

Then Grover said, "I'm here to take you-"

And before he could reply I slammed the door.

 "Let's go, now." I shouted.  But, before I could  get to the stairs Alison re-opened the door and said, "Sorry about that, I'm Alison." 

"Ali!' I yelled in protest.

Then she turned around and sarcasm dripping off her words she replied, "Yes?"

 My jaw dropped. Why in the world was she trusting this guy!

Jessica looked at me, and I heard her whispering to me saying "Calm down! He's an experiment! Well I at least think he is..." I looked at Jessica, then at the door.

I whispered back, "What do you mean?"

"Look at the way he stands....." I looked at his legs and noticed that his shoes look never worn, and like nothing was inside them.

Wonder what he is. I then walked up to the door and said to Grover, "I'm sorry, would you like to come in?"

He looked at me and said, "Only, for a minute, then we need to leave" What's up with the whole we thing?

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