Chapter 7

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                His jaw dropped, as he gasped. “A-Anything e-else?” he stammered. “Umm, let me think.” I responded. I put my finger to my chin and started tapping it. Grover looked at me slowly said, “I-I would laugh b-but……” “I know.”  I interrupted. “Well, now you know about us, you can’t tell ANYONE!” I half said, and half yelled.  “W-Why not?” he questioned. “Well, only the scientists that changed us know about us. If word got out about us,  1.) We would be forced to go back to that lab, and 2.) I really don’t want to be tested by other scientists.” I stated.

                After I said that Alison said, “Guys, we have company….” About 20-30 Erasers were surrounding us. And to answer this question the Erasers we talk about are wolf/human hybrids, not school supplies.  I walked over to Melody picked her up, walked up to Grover and said “Can you hold her for a minute?” “Umm, ok? But WHAT are those?” He yelled. “O, don’t worry we got them.” I said getting in a battle stance. I looked at Alison and held up 4 fingers. She looked at Jessica and held up 3. Then Jessica looked at Cody and held up 2 fingers. We all looked at each other and said, “ONE!!!” Then ran and started fighting.

                A punch here, a kick there, a cry in pain coming from almost everywhere. After I beat 3 Erasers I looked at Grover and Melody, and saw that almost all of the Erasers were going for them.  I ran over to them and started beating/killing them. Alison started helping Jessica and Cody, they don’t see that they keep coming at Grover, Melody, and me?!? Hope they look back soon…….

_ Cliff hanger! :)_

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