Unsettling Air

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A/N So this is kind of like a filler chapter. It's been a super busy week with school and the rest of October will be pretty hectic. The story will get faster I'll try to update weekly. Vote/Comment/Share

“I’m telling you, I’m fine.”

Josh was hovering over me checking to see if my forehead was warm. I know I have a cold, but it’s not like I’m going to die.

“You won’t stop sneezing! You got sick while standing out in the rain. Why were you even out there?”

I shooed at him so that he’d stop flustering over me.

“Okay maybe I have a cold. So what? I’ll get better in a week.”

“But, you can still get pneumonia or the flu or or-”

“Josh if it makes you feel better, I’ll stay in bed and act like a sick person.”

I smirked, but he still had that worried look.

“Okay fine. Get into your bed and tell me what happened.”

“Go ask David what happened. I’m sure he’ll be happy enough to tell you.”

“Jeez you two are like an old married cou-”

“Don’t even finish that sentence. I told you Josh, I’ll be dead before we become more than friends.”

“Okay, okay. I’ll go ask him. I’ll check up on you later. Stay warm.”

“Alright, alright.”

I felt the cold take over my body and hated every moment of it. My throat was sore, my nose was stuffy and drippy, and I kept on coughing. I felt like hell. At least it was only a cold. Otherwise there’d be more symptoms and I’d have to live in my bed for the next two weeks. In the meantime, I caught up on all of my shows and read a little bit. But, my head felt fuzzy and I couldn’t really concentrate on anything. After Josh left, he came back about 40 minutes later with everything I needed to survive this cold. A humidifier, couch drops, tea, and extra tissues. He checked to see if I was heating up, which, thankfully, I wasn’t and then left again. There were no sounds except for the TV and my sneezing. The solitude felt unnerving to me. Then I remembered how I’d usually cure a cold at home. I’d play all of my favorite bands non-stop and sketch. My mom never believed in the normal cure for colds. She let us sleep all we wanted, and once we got up we’d have to do our most favorite things. Gina would usually watch cheesy love movies and Matt would play video games.

My desk had a sketchpad and pencils, but I didn’t know where I’d get the music. My phone is at home, there’s no computer, and David is too up to date to have CD’s lying around. I flipped through the TV and found channels dedicated to playing music.

Well I’ll be damned.

I found the rock station and turned up the volume. I haven’t listened to these bands in what felt like centuries. My Chemical Romance was blasting as I sketched some anime. I used page after page with my favorite bands playing in the background. Blink 182, Black Veil Brides, Green Day, Fall Out Boy and everything I could’ve hoped for was playing. This was pure heaven, well other than the cold and all. But, this was a good distraction. I started singing along and didn’t care who heard. Mr. Brightside was playing and I couldn’t help but smile. I really love this song. I would’ve danced along with it, but my stupid arm would hurt too much.

I spent the rest of the day doing this. And it was amazing. No one bothered me and I didn’t have to deal with my nightmares or missing the past. I got the chance to just focus on the present. I started writing some poetry and illustrating it when the sketching got kind of boring. All of the poems turned out sad though. I suck at writing happy poems. I bet Edgar Allen Poe and I would’ve been good friends.

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