"Picking out the dresses and prom pt. 1"

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Les go back 2 aph and Annie,


I'm too lazy to do it....

Aphmau's POV

Me and Annie finished school early and went straight to the mall. We went into one of the stores and looked for our dresses and I found the perfect one. It was a beautiful sleeveless red dress that went a little above my knees. I smiled as I took it and went to the fitting room. I tried it on and looked in the mirror. I smiled then my phone vibrated. I got a text from Annie,

<<<<<<<<CHAT START>>>>>>>>>

Aph! Where are you?

I'm in the fitting room. Come quick!

K! Stay right there.

<<<<<<<<<<CHAT END>>>>>>>>>

Then in less than ten seconds Annie was already in the fitting room I was in. I got out and she said,

An:sis...you look absolutely beautiful!*she says smiling*

A:you think so?


I smiled at her and she smiled back, I guess she already found a dress because she had a shopping bag, I changed back into my uniform and bought the dress. That was quicker than I thought. We took a taxi home and went inside, I looked at the time,

A:Oh my Irene! Its already 7:00!!! Annie! Get ready!


I took a quick shower and dried, brushed, and curled the ends of my hair, I wore the dress and some red flats. I put on some make up and put a red bow in the back of my hair (I just really like bows XD)

Annie's POV

I took a shower dried and fixed up my hair (too lazy to write da stuff she do wid her hair) I wore the dress that I brought which was a sleeveless sky blue dress, and wore some light blue flats. I wore a bit if make up and went into aph's room, she smiled and I smiled back. We looked in the mirror and said,


I must say, we both looked beautiful. Not to brag or anything but-- wait...WAIT! I DONT HAVE A PROM DATE! SHOOT!!!!



An: I don't have a date!

A:oh, that's fine. Don't worry about it.

An:oh, well okay.

Whew, good thing I could go to prom without a date.

Aphmau's POV

Aww, Annie doesn't have a prom date. We waited for a few more minutes and then I got a text from Aaron,

<<<<<<<<<CHAT START>>>>>>>>

aph! I can't pick you up. I kinda have a problem. And it will take longer to fix. I'll see you at prom?

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