"She's sick"

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*where we last left off*

Aphmau went into her house as Aaron went into his,


Aphmau's POV

Beep beep bee--Ughh...my head...hurts...I feel hot so I take of my covers, suddenly I feel really cold so I put them back on,my throat was soar , I didn't feel to well just then my mom walked into my room

Mom:aphmau? Why aren't you up?

A:I don't feel....too good...

Mom:*she checks your temperature*  you have a fever!, let me call the school and tell them you aren't going to be able to go to school today,

*aphmaus thoughts*


A:but mom...I want to go to school, I need a perfect attendance...

Mom:no no no, you need to stay here until you feel better,

A:but I don't wanna....ughh...my head...

Mom:I'm gonna go get you some medicine okay?


Just right after my mom left my phone vibrates aaron texted me,
(I'm too lazy to copy paste the chat thing so just go with it)


Aa:good morning sunshine! Are you ready?


Aa:huh? Why not?

A:I'm sick and I have to stay at the house, what's worse is that I have a perfect attendance and this is my first absence!

Aa:really!?! Are you okay!?! How do you feel???


A:hurts... Except...

A:for my heart...

Aa:I'm coming right over,

A:Aaron no! You should go to school!

Aa:you're health is far more important than school, I'm coming right over,

<<<CHAT END>>>

I stop texting aaron as soon ad my mom comes in,

Mom:on you're phone eh?

A:*i slowly sit up*aaron texted me....said he was coming right ov--

I get interrupted by someone knocking on the door, it was probably aaron,

A:over....*I say as I drink the medicine*

Mom:I'll go get it,

As my mom goes downstairs to get the door I slowly lay back down on my bed, I then remembered the necklace that aaron gave me, I look at it and smile, then aaron came in my room,

Aa:aphmau!*he runs over beside your bed and hugs you tight*

A:aaron you might get sick too!

Aa:I don't care, I'd rather get sick with you than go to school without you,

Soon I started to feel comfortable with aaron, as if him being there was slowly making me feel better,

A:thanks aaron,

Aa:no problem,

*her mom enters the room*

Mom:aaron can you take care of aphmau? I have to head on to work,

Aarmau, a match made in heaven(HIGH SCHOOL EDITION)~UNDER CONSTRUCTION~Where stories live. Discover now