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I got dressed for classes.

I grabbed my phone of the charger and walked out.

I grabbed some pills and opened the door to Stacy's room or Becky or what the hell ever. And threw them in.

I skipped down the stairs and to my business management class.

" Hayven!" I turned to see Elijah.

" Yes- oof" His strong hug cut me off.

" I'm so sorry baby, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. Im sorry. "

" What's wrong. What did you do?" I looked up at him.

" Yesterday? I shouldn't have left you alone with him. But as soon as Colin pinned me down like that I couldn't control myself. Then when I came back in and saw you I'm that predicament I almost lost my mind. And control of my body because that was so d*nm sexy. " He grabbed me by my butt, pulling flushed against him so i could fully feel him.

I swear if I coulda blushed I woulda.

I put my hands on his chest.

" Baby imma be late to class. " He kissed my temple.

" Alright babe. I'll see you later?"

" Definitely. I-i love you. "

He tilted my head up and kissed me on the lips.

" I love you more baby. " He released me and smacked my butt.

I walked off fully aware his eyes followed my movements.

I skipped up the stairs to the auditorium.

Well until a foot magically appeared.

" D*mn." I mumbled as I checked myself over.

My jeans were torn at the knee and my palms slightly bloody.

" Awe the cow fell. " Becky was wrapped around Colin.

" OH hell NO. " She flinched at my tone.

Colin looked smug and I couldn't help to slap that look right off his face.

" You gon get enough of hitting me. "

" You gon get enough of being a b*tch too. "

I snatched my phone from off the ground.

" And y'all D*MN lucky my phone ain't crack and Becky that makeup looks so um flattering on you. "

" My names not Becky hoe!"

I turned around and stormed up to her.

" B*tch do you want a round two? Cause I have no problem f*cking you up again. " I shoved her and she stood there.

" Watch your back. " she sneered.

I sped walked to class and sat in the back as soon as the professor walked in and locked the door.

" Today we'll be talking about how to budget.."

I huffed in my dorm in annoyance.

Not one single piece of food. And its like 10:15.

I put on some clothes and tried to shake a strange feeling.

I plugged my headphones in and walked down the street to the convenient store.

It wasn't that far maybe a mile walk.

I saw a car slow next to me so I scooted over away from the car.

Dang dang dang! I knew I shouldn't have walked at 10 but I was hungry!

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